Monday, November 25, 2019

A Week in the Life {Homeschool, Menus, Happy Baby, and Life}

Monday, November 18th
Evie has been sleeping all night and waking up looking like an ornery monkey.
She's also just starting to take a few naps without being swaddled...this time she happened to crash out while playing with the toy gym.
Life with Zayden....a snack 20 minutes after breakfast is complete (this one he filched from Grandma and Papa's house on Sunday), and all the hot tea.  He LOVES warm drinks.  Peppermint tea, chamomile, green tea, black coffee, mom's coffee with almond creamer, hot chocolate.  If it's in a mug, he'll drink it.  He's a fun kid.
On Monday he built flying crafts out of the wooden magnetic blocks!
Perfecting her bubble beard.
I had history and family read alouds for the kids Monday afternoon, so I curled up in my recliner with Ev to read while they laid on the floor and colored.  My little sidekick didn't make it through them all, though.

Tuesday, November 19th
A sunny November day!
My kindergartener and I have been working on place value using Masterbooks Level 1 Math.  Whew!  I think we're getting there but we'll be practicing everyday until I see that light bulb go on all the way.  It's flickering now!
On days when I'm feeling rough - anxious, sad, or just in a funk - Mike's been encouraging me to get OUT and go for a walk at the least.  It does help, and it's good for the kids especially.  On this day we walked to daddy's office to take him lunch since he wasn't going to get a lunch break.
I love watching Mike be a daddy.

Wednesday, November 20th
Morning snuggles
Sometimes the boys and I share a pot of tea.  Neither of the girls will drink tea with me but both boys do.
I always realize when I blog pictures that I don't take near enough of the older two kids but they always give me the sigh when I try - however, I vow to try harder.
More place value practice!
For a couple solid days, Zayden dressed up as Thor.  And carried around this mallet.  In my house.

Thursday, November 21st
Evalynn is starting to hold toys.  She's definitely a chewer.  Everything to the mouth.

Friday, November 22nd
Spending some time with my four year old.
Ev was a snuggle bunny on Friday.
On Thursday evening I angry cleaned the library and playroom after the kids did a poor job of putting their things away.  I threw some things away, tidied up, and put away a few totes of toys for now.  The result was a cleaner, tidier area and happy kids on Friday morning.  Room to set up tents!
and play games!
Natalee working on a puzzle.  See the annoyed look when I try to take a picture?  Ha.
I also spent several hours menu planning and making a grocery list in anticipation of grocery shopping Saturday.  It was a lot of work but work I know I will be SO glad to have it all planned through the holiday season.
We ended the week with a movie night.  I love the laughter of children.

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