Monday, October 7, 2019

{Finally} the First Day of School

After a baby and a life-changing move, both of which we are still recovering from, it is finally time to get our school year rolling.  Today was our official "first day" although we've done activities and reading/maintaining over the summer (because does learning ever really end?).

I wanted so badly to be fun mom this morning, but I sure struggled.  I'm a little homesick, was really missing my porch swing and my front door that we always took first day pictures on/in front of, and just wanted to go "home."  But this is home, and I will adjust, I'm sure.

Anyways, Mike brought the kids doughnuts and chocolate milk so they started their first day with smiles and sugar highs.  I couldn't find anywhere else that I loved to take first day pictures with their signs so I finally just had the kids stand in the yard so we could do it and move on.  The couch had to sub for the porch swing so I had enough space to get everyone altogether.
Evalynn is super stoked for the school year.
Regardless of my melancholy, I sure do love this crazy crew.

Our resident fifth grader, and looking SO old lately, might I add.
Most excited for her new reading and least excited about English and Math.  She loves Bible time and wants work more on writing cursive.  I need to work on getting OT and PT set back up here in our new area.

Ready for fourth grade!
Looking forward to math and anything that keeps his hands busy.  Hoping to get in on some computer work with Daddy!  Only dislikes things when they are hard for him - ha!

The most excited student of all this morning, our cute little kindergartener!
She's most excited to learn to read! but is equally excited about her "pig" math book (masterbooks level 1).
She was also psyched about this "first day of school" shirt!

The orneriest student in the pack - our "keep us on our toes" preschooler.
He is capable of the same kindergarten work as Mia in a lot of ways EXCEPT attention span and maturity - thus he will do a lot of playing and a lot of character training!
Most excited to read stories, play toys, and do his cutting book!!

Possibly the sweetest little school mascot ever.  She's going to be the boss and mess up any schedule we try to lay down.  She'll keep things lively.
Look at that grin - I'm the boss baby!

A peek at our day...
I finally have wall space for a large white board and we used it a ton already today.  It's going to be a game changer.
(Yes, the rental has carpet in the dining room - with 5 kids - Lord help me.  No, but seriously, someone come save me from that.)

(I'm letting "someone else" {computer software} teach math to the oldest two again this year - it's my treat to me.)
He's a good cutter!
After a full day of school, we went outside for some fresh air.  I was going to take a walk but it didn't pan out so I cleaned in the garage instead, and fought the urge to light a fire and burn half of what was in there.  Baby Ev took a big nap outside and the other kids rode bikes and played.

 A peek at our books and organization...
Trying a bin for each kid with their workbooks and textbooks in it this year instead of keeping them in a jumble in the hutch.  Day 1 and I like it better - we'll see over time.

The big kids' history line-up....we're doing American History part 2 this year.

This is really the reading selection for the Sonlight Core (mix of PK/K) for the younger 2 but we did them altogether today and the big kids thought they were fun, too.

How many days until no one can find a pencil?

Probably the best part of our day (for me) was Bible journaling.  I read the first story from Egermeier's Bible and had the kids journal what we read.  We sat and drew together and visited and it was the sweetest part of the morning.

My mantra for the year...

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