Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Today I invited some friends over to play.  Several of us had been in a funk and I told them just to come over, let the kids play inside and out, we'd throw them some food every once in awhile, and we could visit.  It was good for the soul.

30 minutes into the visit, my own kid came in with blood running down her head, from her nose, and from her mouth.

Only Mia.
I cleaned her up and the gash on her head was kinda wide but not real deep.  I asked Mike's opinion on taking her in somewhere to get glue, etc., but the other moms and I, after looking it over, thought that butterflying it closed would be okay.  Thankfully Chelsie had some that I borrowed and can replace.  I'm sure she'll have a scar but....that builds character, right?
Mike looked it over again when he got home and agreed butterfly was fine.  I think his opinion is skewed, though, because he's had that dermabond on his head for a gash and he thought it stung terribly. Ha.

At any rate, she seems fine.  She fell OUT of the walk out garage door flat onto the cement.  I am watching one tooth for damage - her brother hit it on the trampoline the other night and we'd been watching it anyways but it was the one that was bleeding again today.  She has bruising all across her forehead, road rash on her nose/lip, and a huge purple bruise on her shin. pure Millie style she looks a mess but she seems okay.

This glamorous mom life.....

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