On September 23rd, the kids had an opportunity to go on a field trip to the local electric cooperative. Before the field trip, a couple of the parents taught a brief lesson on electricity for the kids.
I'm thankful I was not charged with teaching this mini-unit. My brain is not ready for such things.
{little buddies}
The field trip wasn't exactly as planned as the crew that was supposed to be there to show the kids a few things ended up getting called out. However, the kids still enjoyed what they got to see and learned some safety tips.
Next week we have a field trip day to the local airport and conservation department, and a friend, Shela, and I wanted to pre-teach a few concepts and facts to our children. I had no desire to teach about airplanes, drag, lift, etc., and Shela said she wasn't feeling a desire to teach about owls (the topic for the conservation department field trip) so we did swap teaching and I taught owls while she covered planes.
{sweet friends coloring their paper airplanes}
{flying a plane}
{We made owls and wrote a newly learned fact on their tummies...I felt lame because I didn't think the kids would find the activity that interesting and they surprised me by having a great time making and personalizing their owls!}
It's so funny that a few weeks ago I was very upset after realizing the science curriculum I'd bought for the year was too hard and feeling worried about what to teach the kids and we've found so much love for the science topics we've chosen. At home we'll be finishing our rain forest unit, then on to nocturnal animals, cheetahs (Natalee's choice), and maybe ocean life! We're basically having a blast lapbooking and unit studying our way through science this year, and including friends when they're interested!