Thursday, October 8, 2015

I Guess I'll Grow Up

No, I'm not growing up (the author of said blog), but our latest baby...our #3...our sugar and spice.  This week, Ameliya has decided since the baby is coming anyways she just had just as well grow up a little.

This week she's said
  • ca (car)
  • cheese!
  • bup (cup)
  • NO!
  • nine (mine)
  • shu (sure)
  • Papa
  • kak (quack)
  • kike (bike)
  • tig (pig) 
  • tuck (truck)
I think she's speaking a lot more than we really knew but we didn't realize it because her pronunciation is very jumbled (something I'm keeping my ear and eye on).  I'm noticing, when all 3 kids are playing, that she's joining in and trying to match the play schemes the big kids have laid out, instead of just being the nuisance baby sister.  
When the big kids choose to engage her or do a game or activity just for her, her little eyes shine and glow.  She has the bees knees when it comes to big brother and sister.  
She's working on being less "all about me" and seems to realize there are other people in the room and the world.  I said she's working on it - not all there yet!

Last night, Mike taught her to sign green, and I was reminded that her upstairs is pretty sharp and I should be doing more signing and verbal labeling for her.

She answers with a shake no or nod yes when asked questions like,
  • "Do you want milk?"  
  • "Are you ready to go ni night?"  
  • "Do you need a diaper?"  (potty training was a no go - not quite ready!)
  • "Do you want this?" (food, book, toy, etc.)
I have noticed that every day this week, when the big kids get out their school boxes and books, she routinely goes to the cabinet, gets out her box, then goes to the shelf and gets her coloring book and climbs up in Daddy's chair at the table with them.  Never to be left out...

Yep, she's growing up, preparing for her role as big sister.  Ameliya, never doubt that we love you and are proud of you!

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