Monday, September 28, 2015

Family Magnets for Mia

A couple of weeks ago I made a set of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse magnets for Mia.  She's loved them very much.
Saturday while I was nesting/cleaning/procrastinating I decided to make her a set of family magnets.
I gave them to her one by one and she chattered about each person before sticking them to her board.  Over the last couple of days she's already given them a lot of love.

Her facial expressions were funny when I presented them.  I gave her mommy and daddy first, although she choose to only recognize "dadadada" on the picture. 
 Kea and Miguel.
 Lauren and Lance - (look at her mouth)
Papa and Grandma Num
Nannie and Vance
 Papa and Grammy
 'me' NiNi
 ME! Mia
These were quick and easy to do - I threw the pics into a Word doc at 3x3 size.  That fit 6 to a page so 2 pages printed the family.  I printed on cardstock and laminated, then glued magnet pieces to the back. 
She did get offended that I took her Minnie off and went and got them to add to the family.

Biker Sunday at LCC 2015

A few weeks ago Xavier asked Mike, "do bikers go to church, Daddy?"  Wow was Mike convicted.  Yes, son, bikers go to church.  But sometimes saying "yes" isn't enough - Mike wanted to show his son that bikers aren't just a rough and tumble bunch.  We have some bikers in our family that we hold very dear, and whom we love very much, and Mike wanted Xavier to see that, just like those bikers whom we love so much, other bikers are trustworthy and believe in God.
And thus, Biker Sunday at LCC was born.  With the help of some of Mike's biker friends we got the word out and prayed for a good turn out.  We were at the church an hour early to watch for the first signs of loud engines and leather.
Xavier did a great job inviting bikers to the event prior to Sunday.  He had me help him make postcards and did some face to face inviting also.  He's a pretty cool kid, we're raising, this one - leather and all.
Thanks to Papa Curtis we were all outfitted in the latest Sturgis-wear...we're awesome like that.

 Thanks to Destry for helping get the word out and organizing the bikers to come in together.

Mike knew many of these folks from Poker Runs and other events - however I think we both made new friends! 
Xavier anxiously awaited for the arrival of one of his favorite bikers - Papa - and puffed up when he saw his red Victory coming - I didn't get a picture of course - boo!
 The bikers gave Xavier a cheer for inviting them to church!
We're thankful for a Pastor who is a good sport - he doesn't just "tolerate" our fun - he joins in!  He's trying out "Uncle" John's (Cook) trike in this picture.  Xavier recognized Uncle John from when he's been at Papa's - we think he was the oldest biker there at 80 years old.
I think we counted 33 bikes and 43 bikers.
Thank you to all our bikers who participated in LCC's Biker Sunday.  Our hope is that you felt truly welcomed.  We'd love to have y'all back next week - bikes or no bikes, leather or no leather.  You are always welcome at LCC.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Budding Pointillism Artist

No, I'm sure Ameliya wasn't ruining her crayons...she was practicing her pointillism art expression.
Her face as she inspects both her crayon and the ridges on her paper.  She's a hoot, and she doesn't miss much!

 Perhaps she'll be the next Seurat.  It does kind of resemble a tree! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

34 Weeks {#4}

At 34 weeks...
  • I feel ginormous (no, I'm not fishing for a compliment - I really feel ginormous!).
  • The physical drain of growing a human is setting in.
  • Sleeping is - eh.  Waking to potty or to rub my back every couple of hours makes me never feel quite "rested."
  • I have no real swelling - I'm thankful! 
  • Baby is head down.
  • Baby is ACTIVE!  Flips, hiccups, and wiggles anytime I sit down!
  • I'm thankful - for a healthy pregnancy and this gift that I know so many dream of.
I took time today to paint my toes.  I hope they last because I won't be reaching them easily again any time soon!
I have consistent Braxton Hicks contractions if I'm on my feet walking for a long period of time.  Once I sit they stop so I'm not worried but it's a sign that the "end is near!"

This week I hope to pack baby's bag - a goal I had this weekend that I never completed!  I also need to work on my bag and get out the car seat....and, and, and!  

Busy Weekend

Our weekend started by attending our local public school's homecoming parade.  My niece, Emma, marched with the band and my nephew, Colby, was on the truck with the JH Football players!

After the parade we spent the evening visiting with Kea, Phil, Sara and our ever growing niece, Adelyn.  She was three months old on Saturday!  Poor lamb - the kids love her so hard - and she tolerates it so well!
 Ameliya can't get enough.
 Okay, Auntie Jenn loves her pretty hard, too!
 And I got to snuggle her to sleep!

On Saturday we did some shopping and then went to "Daddy's work" to catch the WPU vs. CMU football game.  
 Xavier wants to work in Daddy's office!

Xavier was an excellent spectator - Ameliya was a bit whiny - and Natalee was fidgety and not her usual football focused self!
 The WPU stadium has big buckets of popcorn!
The drive was long but it was nice to do something as a family.  Mike and I had a nice time to visit on the hour and a half drive home while the kids snoozed - it's rare for us to have an hour and a half uninterrupted!

WPU pulled out the win, which suited the kids since I told them that they pay Daddy which in turn pays our bills! {wink}  This was our first WPU event and we appreciated the nice stadium (seats with backs!) and family friendly atmosphere.