Mike took the big kids to camp I-MO (our local church camp) this morning to do some cleaning before the camp season starts.
I'm sure they were TONS of help - I sent them armed with spray bottles of water and little brooms/dustpans.
Ameliya and I took the quiet opportunity to snuggle, take some pictures, play on the floor, try out her chair (only for a couple of minutes), and snuggle some more!
Her eyes are lightening up a bit and start to shine through blue in the camera.
We also tried her 'new to us' Harley Davidson diaper. She makes a cute little biker baby, doesn't she? If only it were Victory, she could be Papa Curtis's biker babe! Maybe he'll let her anyways (wink, wink).
Look at those strong little legs pushing her knees completely off the floor:
Our little pork chop weighs in at an ounce over 13 pounds give or take a dirty diaper or a full tummy!
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday like we are!