Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

How long has it been since I've just shared cute, fun pics of my girl? Or told you how much I love her? Because I do, ever so much. We're hitting 5 months old Saturday...*tear* on earth does the time speed by so quickly? These are totally random pictures but enjoy!

A rare mommy & me picture...usually mommy is behind the camera!

Getting her whitey white legs outside & in the sunshine! First time to put bare toes in the grass...she loved the nice breeze & the 'lesser' clothes!

Hey! Give me my buddy back!

Got her, mommy...don't worry!


Bree Shaw said...

love them all. she is growing up so fast.

Andrea Frederick said...

She was so fun outside!

Anonymous said...

Love the one of you and her especially...great smiles :)

Suzy said...

Oooh! What an adorable cutie-pie! My youngest just turned 15 months old and I miss her "babyness" already. sniffle sniffle!

Unknown said...

wonderful pictures - enjoy the time!

Shonya said...

LOVE the pic of you and her!! I've got to get in front of the camera more instead of behind it!

Corin said...

I love the one of her in the grass. Such cute little white legs. I agree with Shonya too. I always look back at my pictures and realize there all of just Levi. I need to widen my focus a little.

Amee Jones said...

She is so cute. I know what you mean by rare mommy pictures. It seems like there are a ton with James but not with mommy.

Kelly said...

Cute photos...absolutely precious!

MommaD said...

i can totally relate to the no mommy & me littlest is 8 mnths now and there isn't a single decent pic of me and all four w/o someone upset and pouting...and time does speed up, it is craziness! precious pics!

Anonymous said...

They grow so fast. She is a cutie -- TFS

Meg said...

Very precious. She is beautiful.