Natalee is 5 months today.
My heart's a little in my throat because this means that we only have 1 more month before we hit the halfway point to a year. gulp. Time has truly gone so fast. This month she started eating a variety of foods...she's been holding steady at a little over 14 1/2 pounds and she's over 2 foot tall! Natalee has been plentiful with the smiles and giggles but has also baffled us this month with her fright of loud and deep noises. She's developing her own personality that involves lots of jabbering and occasionally some whines. She has found her toes and think they make a great snack. No teeth yet, and no rolling over...she could roll if she cared to do so but she simply doesn't. She loves to explore faces with her hands these days--including your mouth, glasses, and hair. She loves the outdoors as long as the wind isn't too strong and truly loves her toys!

she looked so cute with her little shades on yesterday! happy 5 months!
I was surprised how smiley she's gotten. I just love that stage, but so far the stages just keep getting better and better.
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