Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Tallmans on Thursday and with the Beelers on Friday.  Two full days of eating and family....we are so blessed.
I did an abysmal job of taking pictures on Thursday and the only one I found to steal from my sisters was of the food table.  Ha.  But what a spread it was.
The only pictures I took the entire day were of these two goons...
Mike went into town to visit his family and see his cousin who he doesn't get to catch up with very often.  He sent me this picture of him and Isa.
We spent Thursday night at my folks' and then headed to town Friday to spend the day with the Beelers.  The day was sunshine-y and beautiful.
Last pic of my longest hair in years before I had a couple inches lopped off the next week.
We had brunch, played outside, and then had a midday meal.
A belated birthday gift for Zayden...
The girls did make-up!
We went ahead and drove home Friday night so we had our weekend at home.  What a great couple of days with family.

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