Monday, June 7, 2021

Growing Up {Zayden Sam}

This little "baby" boy of mine lost his first tooth last night.  If you know Sam in real life, you know he's actually been without a tooth since 2019 creating the world's cutest gap for the last two years.  However, that one was a result of damage (not shocking since he perceives life as a 24/7 parkour course) and isn't considered a first official wiggly lost tooth.

We had dentist check ups a couple weeks ago and the dentist warned me that he had two teeth that were getting loose, but he never monkeyed with them or wiggled them around so I assumed they weren't that loose.  The, last night when he was eating a carrot, I heard him say, "Dad!" and held out his hand...and there was his little baby tooth.

He doesn't open his mouth real big so it was hard to get a good picture of his gap.  The top one is the one that's been gone for two years, and the bottom is what he lost last night.
The business of baby teeth coming out and big teeth coming in is hard on this mama.  It's that last shred of babyhood that I hold on to - those little chiclet teeth in there.  When the big ones come it, it changes their forever look and makes them look soo sooo much older.
He didn't shed a single tear, but did ask a lot of questions.  He asked why a big tooth was going to come when he's had a tooth gone "forever" and a big tooth never took it's place.  We explained to him that now that he's older he can expect that big tooth anytime.
Payout for a first tooth is $5 around here and then $1 for all the subsequent teeth.  Zayden got first tooth payment for this one since the last one was a bit of a flub!  Whereas the other children were a fluttery excitement over losing a tooth, Zayden just took it calmly, put his money away, and moved on about his day. 
Bonus picture of Zayden yesterday...he came out of his room and said, "I am so cooool."

Indeed, son.  Indeed you are.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Weekend with the Paredes Crew

Mike and I had plans to be at the homeschool conference the weekend of Adelyn's birthday, so we made a way to go down and see a couple of her softball games and spend some time together in early June.  We made it into town Thursday evening just in time to catch AJ's softball game.  

We cheered on our player, then ordered pizzas, but they weren't arrived by the time for Kea's ballgame.  I offered to keep the little people for supper and baths, and sent Mike and Miguel and Natalee and Xavier to cheer on Kea!

Evie loved the playroom.
Getting sleepy....

Friday we got to play and enjoy each other's company and then caught another of AJ's games!
The kids tried to swim in the HOA pool but it was coooold, I'm told.  I had Ev ready to go meet them after nap, but Mike text and said too cold.  We opted for indoor play and water play at their house instead.
Birthday present time!
Ball game time!!  I'm surprised at how much I enjoy watching people I love play their sports.  I'm not very athletically inclined myself, but sure love to be a fan!  And I'm unapologetically loud.
Playing pitcher!
Field and throw to first!  Good job, AJ!
Must be a bit of Curtis in me, because I insisted on treating to ice cream after the game (wink).
We decided to travel home Saturday so we could catch a couple of things happening up home with our extended family, but had time for Mike to help hang the girls' new swing from aunt Penny before we left, and to check it out for quality!
Time spent with family is always a blessing and we're glad we got these couple of days together!