Monday, August 14, 2017

Back in Session

I have a great deal of back blogging to do from this summer, but today
school is back in session!
We're tightening the reigns a bit, trying a new schedule, and refocusing on why we've chosen this journey.

Group picture with the teacher...
 And with the principal...

The sun shone bright and washed out Zayden when I took his picture but his cheese face was too cute not to post.  His sign says "First Day of 1 Year Old School of Life."  He was proud to be a part of things this morning!

A glimpse at our new signs for the year - a full tour of the school area in another post!
Daddy developed our official school name... B.L.I.S.S. Academy {Building Lives In Spiritual Strength.}
 Special first day of school breakfast...breakfast pizza and donuts!
Cheers to a great year to all our friends in public and homeschool!  
Much love from B.L.I.S.S. Academy!

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