Thursday, August 31, 2017

Girls' Camp 2017 {Natalee}

Our Natalee showed a great interest in attending a week of Girls' Bible Camp this summer.  The camp was about 30 minutes away from us (not too far!) and she was certain she was brave enough and responsible enough to manage it.  After a lot of discussion, Mike and I decided to grant her permission to go.  Grandma Num treated her to a shopping afternoon to get some fresh clothes and shoes and other necessities and I neurotically packed her up and we took her to camp.  Such a hard step for mom!

A couple pictures before we left...she was annoyed at me.  Ha.
Hometown girls!

A helper at the camp loaded a few pictures throughout the week, which helped my mom heart.  We had planned to visit Tuesday but by everyone's accounts Natalee was doing great so we held off.  
Natalee's flock with her counselor...

When we went to pick Natalee up Friday she was glowing!  He had gotten to swim twice a day, she had taken good care of herself with her counselor's help, and she'd had an overall blast.  We're grateful to the friends who responded to our texts and messages, reassuring us she was fine, and to our LCC family that were volunteering for the week who checked in on her during the week just because they love us.  
We were so proud of our girl and so glad to have her back!  As I suspected, she didn't run and embrace us like the other girls did their parents.  She did greet us. :)  Someone got a snuggly hug, though...
Our other children missed her so much!  Xavier cried several times throughout the week because he missed his sister so badly.

The campers put on a program for the families before lunch.  I cried.  I was so happy for our Natalee, that she'd done this big girl thing, and she was bursting at joy for herself.
We stayed for lunch and Natalee had me take some pictures for her before loading up and heading home. 

Her counselor, Lindsay.
 A sweet friend, Kalyn.
The camp dean and LCC member (and one of the reasons we were brave enough to let Natalee go!), Janice.
Natalee was exhausted after her big week, but still talks about "at girls' camp..."  She's ready to go back next year!
Thank you to the counselors who volunteer their time to make this week so over the top wonderful for the girls!

July 2017

Somehow summer cruised right on by us!  After ball season ended the month of July was full but blessed!  We had fun and we made memories but it sure seems to have gone fast!

A few highlights of July...

We participated in Story Hour at our county library... 
Zayden got a little sleepy one week.
The last week at Story Hour brought bucket truck rides...
Mia went, too, but for some reason I can't find her video.  Xavier rode with her. :)

One week some friends invited us to swim with them...that was fun and such a nice way to visit and cool off!

A pretty Minnie...

And Zayden's first haircut with the clippers (instead of just scissors)...

Sunday, August 27, 2017

New Wheels {Natalee}!

Still, I have back-blogging to do from our summer, but this post, well, it can't wait. 

Natalee received an early birthday present today from Papa Curtis and Grandma Num.  If you've ever met Natalee you know she doesn't show a great deal of emotion or excitement often.  Her response to this gift meant a great deal...
Change is hard for Natalee, even in the form of a gift - sometimes it takes her awhile to warm up - but not in this case!  Her genuine excitement and smile was the kind that warms a person from your toes clear up to your heart.
I started looking for a tricycle that would work for our girl on Craigslist, Amazon, etc. several months ago when I realized it was her best chance at participating independently in family bike rides.  My dad took up the charge of searching, too, and fulfilled the mission.  He thought of several things that I didn't, including that she'd need speeds (so we could put it in low), to reverse the handlebar installation so she could reach it best, and to find a seat with a back rest.  He brought tools and adjusted everything so it fits and works for her perfectly.  This is the bike of Natalee's dreams!  It was amazing how quickly she was able to improve in just the hour and a half or so she rode tonight.  

Her maiden voyage...
I also assumed that after once or twice up the street, Natalee would be ready to stop for the night.  I was wrong!  She rode for a long time and made trip after trip up and down the street.  She got to end the night doing something she's dreamed of doing for at least 2 1/2 years - independently taking a bike ride around town with her dad and siblings.  And I cried.  The happiest tears there are.  We're so grateful.  Even Mike got misty tonight while we were talking about the sheer joy of it all.  Thank you, Papa and Grandma, even though thank you is not enough.  We love you.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Back in Session

I have a great deal of back blogging to do from this summer, but today
school is back in session!
We're tightening the reigns a bit, trying a new schedule, and refocusing on why we've chosen this journey.

Group picture with the teacher...
 And with the principal...

The sun shone bright and washed out Zayden when I took his picture but his cheese face was too cute not to post.  His sign says "First Day of 1 Year Old School of Life."  He was proud to be a part of things this morning!

A glimpse at our new signs for the year - a full tour of the school area in another post!
Daddy developed our official school name... B.L.I.S.S. Academy {Building Lives In Spiritual Strength.}
 Special first day of school breakfast...breakfast pizza and donuts!
Cheers to a great year to all our friends in public and homeschool!  
Much love from B.L.I.S.S. Academy!