Saturday, April 8, 2017

Investing in Our Daughters

Natalee and I spent our Thursday evenings in March with other girls and moms from our homeschool co-op.  Another mom (and friend), Shela, and I took turns each week teaching lessons in character - respect & responsibility, contentment, honesty & integrity, and God-esteem.  Our target ages were 7-12 and we had eleven girls and nine moms participate each week.  Natalee and I looked very forward to our time together each week. 

Today we culminated our character study with a mother-daughter tea. 
The local coffee shop, The Grind, graciously hosted our event for us and it was a perfect venue.

The mothers presented their daughters with a cup and saucer to illustrate 2 Timothy 2:20-22 to them - so that they will know that they are beautiful china, and a vessel for the Lord.  
{Read this book if you have girls this age - the story in it beautifully illustrates this concept.}
{Some of us moms bought matching tea pots to present our daughters when they reach an age of maturity.}

Natalee was very brave and tried cinnamon apple tea and even drank half of it.  It was so fun to drink out of her fancy tea cups. 

The girls were given a Bible verse each week to go with the attribute we taught - those that chose to memorize and recite for all four weeks were given a ribbon.

It was lovely to have time set aside to pour into my oldest daughter and work on refining our relationship and to watch friendships bloom among these young ladies.  I'll treasure these memories forever.  

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