Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Princess Tea Party

Ameliya was treated by Nannie to a princess tea party at the local coffee house on Feb 11th.  
She waited as long as possible but I eventually started getting her ready a bit before noon. 
She got a bubble bath treat first, and then we scrunched her curls and painted her toes and fingernails. 
{She doesn't sit very still to have her nails and toes done! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.}

After she ate and got her dress on she "pwease, pwease, pweased" her sister and finally got her to relent and let us borrow some of her organic Elegant Minerals make-up.
I dug out some sandals so her painted toes would show, though you couldn't see them under all the fluff. 
We took pictures while we waited.
Nannie says she liked the hot chocolate and tried her cupcake at the tea party and she loved the craft.  Mia's chatter after we received her back convinced me it was a wonderful time. 
Mia also packed a bag so she could go play at Nannie's after the tea. 
Such a fun treat day for our girl.  Thank you, Nannie!

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