Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Natalee + Charlotte's Web

Last year I tried to do some chapter read alouds with the kids.  They just weren't quite there yet at ages 2 and 3.  This fall I decided to try again.  What's better in the fall and winter months than curling up with a book and reading to your hearts content?

I began Charlotte's Web by E.B. White on Monday night before bed.  Natalee curled right up next to me.  Xavier made it through most of chapter one before getting a picture book and quietly looking at it on the floor next to the couch.  This is okay by me...he was quiet and maybe he was still listening.
Natalee, however, proved to me that she is definitely ready!  We read chapter one and I said, "okay that's the end of chapter one," closing the book for bed time...and she said, "is there a chapter two?"
Well, twist my arm!...and so, we continued on with chapter two and read it through before bed.

Last night we forgot to read as it's not quite routine yet.  She remembered when she was sleepily in bed and was gravely concerned.  I promised her she and I could read this morning, as she rises with the rooster anyways.  

Here we are enjoying chapter three this morning:

She loves the book, is engaged by the story line and is picking up new vocabulary along the way.
I love spending this time with her...what a privilege!

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