Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do It Yourself

I'm feeling "do it your-self-ish"...
tomorrow I'm making homemade dryer sheets (cheap, cheap, cheap) & homemade dishwasher soap. But on my more involved list of things to try someday....

Valentine's Day Love Bundles

Natural Mosquito Spray

Rain Gutter Book Shelves

I'm intrigued by:
Homemade Vanilla

1 comment:

Shonya said...

LOL, you're feeling ambitious, hmmm? :) I make my own vanilla--super easy. The hardest part is buying the vodka while furtively looking over my shoulder wondering who is going to see me! giggle

I saw the rain gutter bookshelves a few years ago and was excited to share the idea with Alan. He didn't like it, and has been building me bookshelves ever since!!! :D

lmk how the mosquito spray works, I may have to try that!