Xavier Micheal was born on 6-24 at 6:24 a.m., weighing in at 7 lb 4.2 oz and 20 1/2" long. He was born with his cord wrapped but was not blue (praise God) and was perfectly darling with chubby cheeks.
Today Xavier Micheal is a walking machine! He began walking steadily 2 weeks ago and hasn't quit yet. Rarely does he get down to crawl anymore and can almost run on his two stubby legs.
He's 20 pounds & 30" of solid BOY and always has a bruise or a bump on his head (walking wounds!). Just last night he climbed up the large Little Tikes slide we have and fell off, blacking his eye.
He's afraid of nothing and we call him Scamp.
He LOVES his sister and she LOVES him--they constantly look for each other and are becoming wonderful playmates.
He is hot and cold and can throw a horrendous temper tantrum. The best medicine for those are to walk away--don't coddle, give eye contact, or talk nice--just walk away!
Xavier is techno-savvy and dives for anything electronic--computers, cell phones, remotes, mp3 players, printers, etc.
He cares not to be told no and would rather try to ignore you when you do (that doesn't fly well around here!).
He takes 1 nighttime bottle and that's all, but still has his pacifier.
Recently we've begun "sleep training" and so now he climbs the stairs with his sis at night and lays down in his bed like a big boy. Often Mike or I sit in there to read while they drift off but they've become very self-sufficient at going down alone (however if they aren't super tired at bedtime you'll hear them giggle and giggle and jump around in their beds--the sweet sounds of sharing a room!).
He has 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom) and is trying to get more.
He can be a great eater--he can also be extremely picky. I never make anything different for my kids than what's on the table and often he'll choose to not eat at all.
He loves wheels--cars, trains, trucks, bikes, etc & can pedal little riders with his feet very well.He's a pro at the mini trampoline that has a handrail to hold and loves to swing outside.
Daddy built him a sandbox for his birthday and he's not in love...but it'll grow on him.
Xavier Micheal--God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave us you. You are an absolute joy to be around. Quick with a smile when you want, so totally lovey and snuggly, and ornery as any boy could be. We love you so much, Big Guy. Happy Birthday!! Love, Mommy & Daddy
Happy Birthday Xavier!!
happy birthday buddy!!!!! love, jace! :)
Can't believe he is so big!! We love the Big Brother book at our house and our little brother/sister should be here in the next month! The paci is offically gone and potty training is in fully swing-thanks for the encouragement you give me when reading your blog!!
Happy birthday to Xavier, happy birthday to Xavier!!! Yeah he is 1!!! Way to go mommy!!! No more babies for now!!! Also glad the sleep training is working along with potty training(summer goals) are going well!
Love this post! What a precious, precious little boy the Lord has given you!!
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