Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Months Old!

Ahhh, not all my pictures will load and I'm so very tired so I'm giving up...however here is my big 2 month old! I call him my uber chubby monkey...uber is the German for "the very best". He really is my best little chubbers...so sweet and funny, laid back and loving. He loves a good snuggle, but also loves a good stretch. He's a champion eater and good sleeper. He has a smile to die for and is starting to get rolls that are just kiss-a-licious! He's still wearing 0-3 month clothes and has been for about a month now...to me he seems short in stature but sweet and round! He loves kisses from sis and funny voices from mama. He's daddy's little man. Life without him seems light years past. He fits perfectly into our lives and our hearts!
Happy 2 months, Xavier Micheal!


Bree Shaw said...

WHAT???? two months??? i can't believe it!!! he does have a sweet little smiile.

Andrea Frederick said...

Isn't funny how you can't remember life without them? I love it when they start to get a personality.