Saturday, August 14, 2010

Natalee @ 20 months

My have you gotten so big? And so ornery? And fun? There is no end to the things you are learning and doing these days. You got great reports from the ENT, allergist & physical therapist all in one week! We praise God for your good health! Your "itchies" are clearing up, although we don't know why--since we discovered it wasn't food that was causing them! Your ears are clear and you have no hearing loss! And the PT said your have made so much progress since she saw you last!...please know, sweet girl, that it hurts us, too, to have to make you stretch your sore ankles & to push you to "be brave" and try things on your own, but someday this will all be a distant memory for you. You'll be running and kicking and jumping & no one will know that it wasn't an easy journey for you.
Right now we are working on your colors and shapes with you. You love to use crayons, although you could care less whether you have paper or not (mommy cares!). You are crazy in love with Curious George and know no one else on the TV. You still love "Stout" and sleep with her, a blankie and a "sucker."
You are have learned to love your baby brother--you ask about him, check on him, and no longer cry when he cries. You take him his sucker and want to steal his bottles awfully bad. I know you will take care of him at Lora Jean's for mama. You've had a great summer & have gotten awfully attached to your grandma's, papas, aunts, uncle & cousins. I think you will be devastated when you Nauren goes back to college as she became a pretty constant figure for you when Daddy went to NYR. You believe all motorcycles are Papa Curtis and that mommy only gets out the egg carton if she's going to make you "cancakes" (pancakes). You love to pray at meals and repeat a boisterous "mamen" at the conclusion of the fact, you repeat everything you hear and talk nonstop. You are sassy and opinionated and we've had to tighten the discipline around here...and you are responding even though your stubborness makes it hard for you. You look more like mommy everyday & we love you very much!

heading to Lora Jeans

wondering if you can drive :)

learning is continual...
requires lots of thought...
but very rewarding!


Love you, Natalee Cynthia!


Shonya said...

What a cutie! Love the way you keep track of the 'little things' that you will always treasure b/c believe it or not, we forget these things! Love the way she helps with lil brother, and that every motorcycle is Grandpa! :) That made me smile--kids are so precious.

Andrea Frederick said...

Great post!!
Still can't believe I missed them. Did you upload the pictures and type later? Love that girl:)