Friday, August 6, 2010

Mama's Cuties

My kids are the cutest kids in the whole world. Every parent says that but in our house it's the absolute truth. Lesson learned.
Pictures of my sweeties...enjoy.

The Prince:

& the Princess:

speaking of Princesses, does anyone but me think the above princess is beginning to look more and more like this 1980's princess?:
I'm older than her in this picture but with her piggy tails and her chubby cheeks that get pink in the sunlight & heat she's sure getting there! So fun to see a bit of yourself in your child.

And last but not least, a couple pictures of Natalee's first experience in a bounce house. There were 2 other small tykes in there so I let her get in and she LOVED it! She was in heaven but she did mind me when I asked to come to me when it was time to get out (I'm not gonna lie--a little part of me was afraid I would have to embarrass myself and get in there to get her out b/c she was having so much fun!). We're trying to convince daddy that it would be good physical therapy to own a bounce house...wonder if I can get a doctor to write us a script!?
lol--I believe the bow clips in backwards would be Gma Numma Nums handiwork...*sigh* at least they aren't yarn bows!
by the way--ever tried to take a picture of a 20 mo old in a bounce house with 2 other 2 year olds? not easy...


Micheal Beeler said...

I will agree they are the cutest children ever.

Shonya said...

Oh, they are SO cute!!! (But cutest in the whole wide world?? hmmmm. . .I have my own biases! giggle)

Bree Shaw said...

i do think she is looking a lot like you. i agree that it is fun to see God's work in our children.