Saturday, July 24, 2010

Left Behind

Can I just tell you that being left behind stinks? Mike left today for Colorado for our annual NYR trip, and besides the fact that I wanted very badly to go, I hate being lonesome at home. I'm working on praying my way through this and lightening my attitude for the kids' sake because Natalee's having a hard enough time dealing without having her beloved daddy around but golly is it quiet around here. I know some of ya'll are home by yourselves all day everyday and some of you even have traveling husbands but that's not what we're accustomed to around here so this is very hard for us. I'm not really worried about "handling" the kids but more about helping Natalee cope and giving both kids equal attention for their individual needs. Pray for my sanity, pray for Mike's trip & the lives impacted, and pray that this week goes quickly but that no precious moment spent with my kids passes me by in my busyness.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Maybe we will venture down this week to see you!! Good Luck and You will make it! (the patience may just get a little thin at times, and that is OK!)