Monday, January 25, 2010

6 Going On 16...

Because she's my niece the sneak peak of her darling pictures get to be on my personal blog...the rest will be on the photography blog in a couple of days...
Here are a few of the memories that make up Emma as she turns 6 (going on 16) fun editing yet but this little girl doesn't require much fuss and fancy editing...she makes the picture all by herself! I look at one picture and roll back to the past, seeing her at age 1...the next one fast-forwards me to the future when she's graduating high school. Hold on to your socks, mom & dad--this girl's taking you for the ride of your lives! Enjoy!


Andrea Frederick said...

she just makes me want to cry... i see a HUGE canvas in my future!!!

Bree Shaw said...

wow, wow, wow!!! that girl is just precious! i am with you andrea... just makes you want to cry.

Shonya said...

What a beautiful girl--bet that was a fun photo shoot!

Corin said...

#3 is my favorite. She's just so cute or is it beautiful now. I don't know but she looks great. Wonderful job Jenn.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless...
So so grown up. Too much. But thats not your fault Jenn, good job on the pictures!

Love, Lauren

Anonymous said...

What a truely beautiful girl inside and out, and I not just saying that cuz I'm her grandma.
