Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On My Knees

Do you ever feel like you should get on your knees and just stay there for a couple of days? Welcome to my week. Besides the rant I posted a couple of days ago (which seems to be turning out very well...more about that later) we have had many things going on here that need prayer:
  • This afternoon our dear friend Erin and her little sister were in a car accident while on their way into my house to pick up my niece and nephew for a fun day/sleepover. Erin rolled her Trailblazer and the lastest update I heard was that she was on her way to University Hospital (from the county hospital) because her CT/X-rays showed a cracked neck vertebrae. Her sister has had stitches but is not requiring transfer that I know of. Pray for Erin; her husband Trenton; her mother, who had to receive a call today that 2 of her daughters were in an accident (shudder); and the rest of her family.
  • Yesterday morning Mike's dad got a call from his sister reporting that Mike's grandma was lying on the couch bleeding from her mouth with swollen blue legs. This, too, required a trip to the hospital and when Mike got home from visiting her yesterday he seemed very discouraged at her condition. It is so hard to watch our loved ones age. However, reports from today show much improvement and her spirits are high. She's still giving instructions out to her kids on what they need to do to get things ready for our family Christmas on Saturday. Pray, that if she is well, she might come home in time for our family Christmas...
  • My dear friend and piano mentor, Maureen had a heart attack last week and came home. However she went back to the hospital not feeling well this week. Reports seem good but still a stressor to her family to watch her go back and forth.
  • Another gentleman in our church is battling heart failure. His battle seems to be slipping. His wife and 4 children have been heavy on my heart lately. Pray for them...that if it is God's will a heart donor would come available, but that if he is taken Home the children and wife are comforted and wrapped in His love.
If you feel so compelled, won't you pray with me?

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

they were all in my prayers last night too.