Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm not quite ready to blog about this yet but do have to're always in my heart, Darby girl. I pray you are walking hand in hand with Jesus tonight, Sweetie.
Your Rocky Mountain Mama

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blessing Box

This morning on Spirit FM a lady called in when they were talking about Thanksgiving traditions and said that at her house they have a box and all year long they put their blessings in it. Then on Thanksgiving they gather round, open the box, and read their blessings from the whole year.

How cool is that?

And so, I don't have a box with tiny slips of paper in it this year...maybe next year. But if I did, here's what I imagine they would say...

Natalee--of course, because she's darling, and sweet, and so totally ours!

a husband, who holds me tight, always understands, and lets me feel like I'm darn near perfect!

sisters, who know when to pick me up and when to let me lay on the couch.

a dad, who tells me it will be peeerrrfect, even when I'm not so sure it's how I planned it.

a mom, who holds my hand, and guides me through it all.

a Savior, who never judges and never turns His back.

a niece and nephew, who make me smile & make me scream, but who never cease to amaze me!

in-laws, who know when to step in and when to hold back but who are always there.

friends & co-workers, who make me laugh, make me cry, call to check on me, and recognize when I need uplifting words.

a house--lovingly cozy, humble, and ours!

Oh, this year, for sure, our box would be overflowing with blessings...there are so many more unnamed than these.

Here's hoping your box overflows today and always!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Just Have to Say...


to everyone for their encouraging words regarding Natalee's little ears. Isn't it just like a mother to feel like whatever battle we are facing right now is the worst thing ever? Next month it will be something else. But for now, I needed to hear your words of encouragement, know that your prayers are with us, and understand that other little ones have been through tubes and are all the better for it. My baby sister was a tube baby and I truly believe she be dutchy and deaf as all get out had it not been for that (sorry, Lauren!).
So thanks again to everyone...we got an appointment for next Wednesday and are all anxious to hear what Dr. Campbell tells us. And if it's tubes, I'm sure I'll have questions for those of you who have been down that road!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Climb, Baby, Climb

Tonight, I am thankful for this fairly healthy, beautiful, strong, able-bodied, ornery, loving, lovable, *almost* one year old. She's learned something new and she's oh-so proud!


ears. fluid. ache. tears. pain. manipulation. medicine. and repeat.

This is Natalee's life the last month. Her poor little ears have been so full of fluid and junk. I just hate it for her. We've tried the natural method of treatment--manipulative massage treatments...and for awhile they cleared her out and she felt better. But even with repeated treatments she's full. We've done 2 rounds of antibiotic, which I hated but feared worse the pain, hearing loss and speech problems that would come if I let the full ears persist. We finished round 2 and went in today, on my request, to just see if they were even clear. And nada. Full up. The right one is worse, which is the one we've had the worse ear aches in, but both have fluid.
I've also noticed of late that Natalee's not making some of the sounds I think she should be making to attain developmental milestones. She's close, but I know she can do more. I'm okay with her not being "top of the class" but if she's delayed then I feel like it's our job to be her advocates and help her out. Looking back I also thing it's important to note that Natalee didn't pass her hearing test in one ear when she was born. She did eventually pass the re-screen but not the initial test.
So here's what we know--she obviously hears us...she hears us say "pat-a-cake" and claps her hands, she turns when we say her name, she laughs when we laugh. However, I also know what it's like to have a student who has had minor hearing loss or fluid build-up from birth. Not "too" bad but delayed, dutchy, chubby-mouthed talk.
And so, here's where we are...Natalee's ears are full of fluid. Our family doctor thinks she needs to be seen by a specialist and so we are waiting for our appointment to an ENT Otolaryngologist. We're seeing the same doctor who saw my baby sister when she was a tot and Colby just a few years ago. I'm praying for the most non-invasive treatment available but preparing for the opposite. Most of all, I'm ready to have a little lamb who has 2 little ears who are as perfect on the inside as they are on the outside.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fighting it Out

Mike & I have both been battling sinus, viral infections. Our routine consists of: play with Natalee on floor, stop, blow, play, blow, blow, play. (with some wash, washings in there of course so we don't spread germs). We are both so tired of the "junk." Mike also adds hacking cough to his routine. It's lovely. Did I mention that Natalee is frightened of both "hacking cough" and "blowing nose?" That's lovely, too. So really it's more like play, stop, blow, wimper, play, cough, cry! Awesome...poor kid.

Natalee's had an ear infection, *again* that we hope is clearing up. Just in case you were wondering, everyone's 'drainage' is now clear so that means our viruses (a.k.a...germs we could give to you) are dead. Now it's just the leavings, which are sometimes the worst!
Here's to hoping everyone's back to normal so our taste buds can actually taste that turkey on Thursday!

For today, we'll be venturing to church, grateful to be out after keeping shut-in all weekend, but will be trying to keep to ourselves. No nursery class, Sunday School, etc. We'll slip in, hear the message, and slip out (to mom's of course to share our sniffles over meatloaf!). Tonight we have Thanksgiving fellowship supper and it's my CWS month so I'll be disinfecting my hands, rolling up my sleeves, and digging in to help my awesome mom with that (awesome because she's done 90% of it herself!...okay more like 98%).

Hoping everyone is well at your house! Have a blessed Sunday!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just Add Snow...

Cheaper Than Therapy

She's ready to play!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

All We Want for Christmas...

So, for Andrea I decided to actually take the time to sit down and think about what this family wants for Christmas. What do we need? Not much. We have a lovely (humble) home, each other, and lots of love. But, because you asked...

needs some big girl toys! She still likes her rattles and stuff but she needs things that are more developmentally appropriate for her age. We're getting her a drum & other musical instruments which we know she'll love and for her birthday we're giving her the wagon/ride-on toy/stroller, but as far as other ideas...
I posted a few birthday ideas awhile back and besides those I just can't think of much. We pack her a big bag of toys to take to Lora Jean's every week so she really does get the good out of her toys that are transportable. However, this also means that she gets a little bored with them at times, no matter how I switch them out. She doesn't need books, unless of course they are really adorable and fun!
Toys that make noise are sometimes fun for her and sometimes scary, so if that's something you have in mind then just know that she may have to warm up a little. She has a favorite baby doll and I don't think she'll be willing to branch out from her much for another year or so.
Something I'd love her to have (silly but true) is a flannel crib sheet. I also know she'd love, and we'd get a lot of use out of, the wagon they have with the canopy. (I think Wal-Mart has it). She'd love to sit in it for walks...but it is a pricey venture and we wouldn't expect one person to get it. However, if a couple of you are looking to go together...well...there you go!
In clothes she's at 18 month that fits well and 24 month if you want it to fit for more than a few weeks.

Okay, enough about her...
The only thing I can think of that I need/want is a Swiffer Wet Jet. But I've told everyone who has asked me that this is what I want and considering I have a bday and Christmas then I need to be a thinking!
I'm not in the mood for clothes right now...and doubt a month will make much of a difference! We're full up on pretties and knick-knacks around here and little hands only get into those things! Something that I've wanted for several years is a nativity for my front yard. You know--the plastic one that lights up, where you can buy the individual pieces--or something else entirely if you can find one that's wonderful! Other than that I'm stuck right now...I'll keep thinking.

and Mike? oh, dear.
Mike's list always seems to be pricey and hard-to-get...but this year I'm keeping him real (and realistic). Whether he knows it or not he needs some new shirts. Long sleeved t-shirts (2X) to be particular...and a few short sleeve wouldn't hurt either. An "awesome" t-shirt to him would be something with Star Wars, Victory motorcycles, or West Coast Choppers. You know...manly! He likes black, blue (yawn), and I'd like to see him wear some color!!
Mike has also been quite a reader lately. While he's a steady reader, he's a bit slower than the library likes you to be, so we buy most of the books he reads. He'd love to have The Circle Series and the Lost Series by Ted Dekker. His favorite author is Robert Liparulo, a Christian fiction man whom we saw in Colorado, and while he has all of his "adult" books, I think he'd like his young adult series, the Dreamhouse Kings series.
Other than that, Mike's as much of a mystery as ever...he doesn't need any collectibles as we just simply don't have the space to display them and our basement is full of tubs of things that we're "saving for another day."

For each other, Mike and I are looking into renovating our upstairs instead of buying each other gifts. It's never been about the "stuff" for us, and we'd love to have 2 bedrooms upstairs. That way we can move Natalee's bed upstairs and keep the downstairs room as a playroom. Sounds like a good Christmas break project (that involves some of our mannlier family members!).

So, that's all for now...what's on your Christmas wish list this year?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Never, Ever...

...leave home without your baby doll!



Oh, yes...our morning routine--get Natalee up, change diaper, dress her, wash face, brush teeth (all 6), take picture, grab diaper bag, make sure Scout is in the bag (usually run back upstairs to get Scout out of the bed!...sometimes Natalee grabs her when we get her up.).
I'm glad she has a lovey that she cares so much about, but it is a little nerve-wracking...
Scout goes everywhere with us. Church, Lora Jean's, Grandmas...
she's the thing we make sure we have right after we make sure we have Natalee.
Got Natalee? yep
Got Scout? yep
That's how we roll at our house!!