Monday, September 28, 2009

Congratulations, Mr & Mrs Robinson!

What a beautiful weekend for a wedding! My oldest, dearest friend got married this weekend and I was privileged to stand beside her and be her matron of honor. It was a beautiful wedding & I could probably write pages about the whole weekend but we all know that pictures are more priceless than words. My pictures aren't the best quality--Mike was back in the sound board running the equipment so he did what little he could. In a couple of weeks the professional photographers will have their pictures uploaded online--if you would like the password to view them let me know and I will pass it along!

The fellas

All the pretty ladies...
Mr & Mrs Robinson

Me & my best gal

dancin' the night away

Sharing the last dance of the evening...


Bree Shaw said...

jenn you look so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

yay for weddings! everyone looked so great!...but Jenn, you were looking like a little hottie from what I can see. good for you! lol

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

lol, thanks to you both! Lauren--been a long time since I've been called a hottie!