Friday, May 29, 2009

It Matters to Me

I need your opinion...truly, it matters to me!

I'm making tutus for Natalee...made this darling light pink with hot pink accents.

I have the following colors:

light yellow
light pink
old gold
light blue
hot pink

So tell me, what color combo do you think would be cute? Doesn't have to be just 2 colors...could be 3 or 4. Six month pictures are coming up & I'm so excited!!! Obviously bought the burgandy & gold for Schuyler colors, but it doesn't take the whole spool to do a tutu so think about all of them and let me know your favs!

Take a Hike, Man!

My hubby blogged about our new backpack carrier here. Here are some pictures of little Natalee have a grand time in the carrier. Leave a comment for makes him feel like a superstar when he gets more than 3!

Isn't she cute? She could be the new poster child for the Kelty Pathfinder!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

This little girl is growing up indeed. I'm so thankful that I'm a school teacher and get these precious months at home with her. Tonight we tried on her swimming suit because lessons start on Monday (YAY, she loves the water!) and she conquered yet another milestone. She can now sit up for several minutes at a time. She's been working on this for awhile--conquering seconds here and there before she has to lean over and rest or before she topples, but tonight she finally figured out the balancing act. *tear* She's growing up so fast...we love you big girl! Only 2 more weeks until 6 months & this mommy is NOT ready!

no worries, mama...I got this!

HEY, when I sit up I can totally see the TV better!

Of course the suit has a matching hat complete with 50+ SPF protection...she's bald, bones about it! But she's cute and bald!!

Just look at that precious swimming suit!

Keep in mind that the video was taken after about 5 minutes of pictures so she was wearing down, but still sitting pretty well!


Andrea's still without internet. Mike put in her new ethernet card but still a no go. I'm sure she's getting very frustrated. Mike thinks it's a problem on the end of the internet company--maybe something got hit by lightening. Anyhow, just wanted to make sure no one thinks she dropped off of earth!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Andrea Frederick & Bree Shaw (and maybe me) are having a yard sale this Saturday, the 30th at Bree's folks' on Hwy. 136. There will be some baby clothes, girls sizes 2T - 4T, boys sizes 18 months & up, plus other things I've failed to mention! Happy shopping & spread the word!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Few Fun Photos...

Rainy days are also great for cropping and editing some random photos from the 100s I took during Lauren's graduation weekend.

This is my grandma Mary meeting Natalee the first night they got to town.

Four Generations!
I am so excited to have this picture especially since we are all girls!!!

A decent family picture of us! Good job, Dad!

The first time we've gotten all 10 of us in one picture. I could have cropped out the dog but he sat so nicely that just would have been rude!

These babies are too cute. Natalee enjoyed hanging out with someone her own size over graduation weekend. Baby cousin Christian is just a couple of months younger than Natalee. They spent some good time vegging on the floor flailing their arms and legs about! I love the lower picture--Natalee is looking at Christian like, "How dare you grab my shirt and stick your tongue out!" What cuties!

rainy days...

are perfect

for catching up on laundry.
for taking naps.
for catching up with friends.
for doing a little scrapping.
for playing on the floor with a certain, roly poly cutie patootie.
for no make-up.
for being lazily productive!

Happy Rainy Monday to you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Braggin' Mama...

Yep, I'm THAT she smart or what? At least give me that she's the cutest little lady ever! So I know the whistle isn't an actual whistle but she's watching and trying & the wave is coming along. The real success is that she's paying attention & trying to mimic! Cute, cute, cutie!!! Forgive the 1st 2 videos being dark and the last one being tilted the wrong one ever said I was a videographer!

Give a Little Whistle

Wave, Natalee

Whistle 'n Wave

Tuesday, May 19, 2009




Last day of school for a couple hours on Thursday...head out to run some major errands.

Family is heading back to ND tonight...sad to see them go. Supper @ Andrea's.

Still love the best baby ever who has been so very flexible this crazy weekend even if she didn't nap the greatest.

Baby sister is graduated...there was tears, crying, hugging, laughing, celebrating, & partying involved. Congrats, Lauren!

Big sister celebrated her 29th birthday. Happy Birthday, Andrea!

Two cousins graduated 8th grade last night....go them!

Can't take a day off of work b/c maternity leave ate my days. Costs too much to just take a day to veg out. Waiting, waiting till Friday! Don't come looking for me or my family b/c we will be hiding.

Husband is good, my hip's out, the house is a mess.

Have tied a total 84 yards of fleece in the last week...sore fingers, sore butt, but 3 happy blanket recipients.

Lots of pictures to time tonight. Keep checking...don't want to lose my fan-base.

Have been reading your blogs...just no time to comment right now!

Love you all...have a great week!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey folks...

...have I told you lately how much I love this squishy face?
and how much I love this string of drool running down this squishy face? (oh yeah, that's drool for sure!)

because that drool ensures that I can sock mop my floors, it guarantees that I will always go to work with a wet spot on my clothes, and it promises that when I hold this sweetie girl above my head to make her giggle that I will indeed get rehydrated because said drool will string from her mouth and if I am so silly as to open my mouth in a laugh or a smile I will for sure get slimed!

oh, how I do love her...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


...I am thankful:
  • that my house is 30 miles north of where the tornado hit, however callus & unfeeling that may sound.
  • that people like my brother-in-law & friends' husbands are working their fannies off restoring power to people, even though I know that all some of those people will do is complain that it ever went down in the first place.
  • that my husband has a heart of service and cares enough about strangers to go do 'search and rescue' & damage assessment for a community that is not his own.
  • that my basement, although leaky, is sound and clean and relatively not-scary.
  • that my friends down in the tornado path are safe.
So, tell me friends, what were you thankful for as the tornadoes passed your way...?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


you've made 2 students cry,

been spat on,
been called a dumb idiot,
and been told that you are hated by a 5 year old...

shouldn't you get to go home early?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy 5 months, Sugar Baby!

Natalee is 5 months today. My heart's a little in my throat because this means that we only have 1 more month before we hit the halfway point to a year. gulp. Time has truly gone so fast. This month she started eating a variety of foods...she's been holding steady at a little over 14 1/2 pounds and she's over 2 foot tall! Natalee has been plentiful with the smiles and giggles but has also baffled us this month with her fright of loud and deep noises. She's developing her own personality that involves lots of jabbering and occasionally some whines. She has found her toes and think they make a great snack. No teeth yet, and no rolling over...she could roll if she cared to do so but she simply doesn't. She loves to explore faces with her hands these days--including your mouth, glasses, and hair. She loves the outdoors as long as the wind isn't too strong and truly loves her toys!
She's so much fun all the time and we can't remember or imagine life without her. Happy 5 months, baby girl. Mommy & Daddy love you so much!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tick Removal

Okay, I'm not much of an outdoorswoman, but I got this in an email & thought someone with rambunctious boys (translation: my sister) might find it useful!

Spring is here and the ticks will soon be showing their heads. Here is
a good way to get them off you, your children, or your pets.

A School Nurse has written the info below -- good enough to share -- And it really works!!

I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great, because it works in those places where it's some times difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc.

Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.

Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked!"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

How long has it been since I've just shared cute, fun pics of my girl? Or told you how much I love her? Because I do, ever so much. We're hitting 5 months old Saturday...*tear* on earth does the time speed by so quickly? These are totally random pictures but enjoy!

A rare mommy & me picture...usually mommy is behind the camera!

Getting her whitey white legs outside & in the sunshine! First time to put bare toes in the grass...she loved the nice breeze & the 'lesser' clothes!

Hey! Give me my buddy back!

Got her, mommy...don't worry!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Roaming List

So everyday I learn something that someone assumes I already know. But I don't. So, here you go...learn with me. If you are a US Cellular customer (and who around here isn't?) then type in *228 and hit dial. It will automatically update your roaming list (you have to hit 'yes'). Takes about a minute. Good for the phone. Good for the phone bill. Good to know!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Promenade Purty Lady

Last night was senior prom for my baby sister, Lauren. Pictures are better than words, so here you go...

A wet, slobbery kiss for Aunt Lorn Lorn.

Lauren and her date, Ashley Watson.

Lauren and our cousin Chance, who is also a senior. They clean up nice, don't they?

Purty bike & a purty lady!

Look at all the fluff!!

Lauren & Dad with Dad's Victory Jackpot

Friday, May 1, 2009

update on my hypersensitive lady

So...Natalee's still being a goon. Last night we got out her popper toy--she got it for Christmas. You know the kind--you slide the button or turn the key and the darling little animal pops up grinning at you. WAAAAH!! Even when she pushed the button herself. Silly lady.
Mike brought her into the school this morning so that the nurse could look in her ears for us, just to be sure that she doesn't have an earache. Both checked out fine, so that's a blessing. I also had her listen to her lungs b/c she has this rattly cough that's making me nervous but she said that the rattle is high, not in her lungs, meaning if she was older and could hauk it up then it would clear out. We go again tonight for manipulative massage so hopefully that will help some of this allergy/teething drainage junk!

Mike and I have been really trying to introduce loud noises in a 'controlled environment' to help her get used to them. We let her play with our hands and then start clapping them until they get louder--things like that. The popper toy apparently wasn't a great idea but we'll keep plugging away. I hope it's helping. It's sad to watch her be scared of loud noises especially when they didn't used to bother her. We've got to get a few things at Wal-Mart tonight and this'll be the first time there since she's got this new found fear so it'll be interesting to see how she reacts. We've been trying to make sure we're right with her, making sure she feels loved and safe so that she knows mommy and daddy are always there and she doesn't need to be scared. At the same time, we're trying to avoid overprotecting her to the point that we shield her from all things loud b/c we're going to have to teach her to cope with them at some point. I'm sure this is the first of many struggles in parenting but I certainly didn't think we'd be tackling something quite like this so young.

I appreciate all your comments on the last post. It's nice to know that my 'mommy team' is behind me rooting me on. For the most part she's still our silly, lovey little baby girl--she's just finding her wings in this great big world and deciding what works for her and what doesn't!