Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

I tried to take sweet, docile, ni-night pictures of my daughter. She had supper, bath, jammies...was pretty sleepy. I got everything set up & laid her down...and she's wide eyed! This is what I got. They aren't sweet ni-night pictures but she was pretty hammy...

this is her 'yeah right, mama' face...she's chattering a mile a minute!

then she played a little peek-a-boo...her new trick is to pull the blanket over her face when we first put it on her.

i'm good, mommy...still here!

then we had this face...oh yeah, i think i'm wearing her down
(honestly, could those eyes be any wider?)

so I turned her on her tummy...but let's not lay heady down and look all sleepy, let's chew on our delicious fingers!

and, awww, I had some more darling pictures but they won't load. GRRRR! another time...


Corin said...

She looks pretty sleepy to me. I mean she could be out any minute now.

Shonya said...

She's too cute to be sleepy, mommy! I mean, who would take care of the 'be cute' job if she took a break?! :)

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Kids have a mind of their own from day one, don't they? What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

She is to cute! TFS

Martha said...

the last picture is adorable.

Bree Shaw said...

hope you get the night night pictures tonight. she looks so cute though!

Keri said...

What a cutie patootie. Love her big, bright eyes. So adorable.

Kelly said...

That last photo is just too adorable!