Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

One of the sororities in our town puts on a tea for the high school senior girls every year. It used to be mostly just the girls, their moms and their grandmothers that went but as the years have passed more "extended" family members attend. My baby sister is a senior this year so all the gals in the family (grandma, mom, my older sister & niece, plus me and my daughter) suited up and went to tea. A few pictures from the day...

L to R: the 'senior' Lauren holding Emma, Grandma Ann, Mom (Cindy), Andrea, me (Jenn) with my [very sleepy] 4 month old, Natalee

Aunt Lauren with Emma

Aunt Lauren with Natalee

us 3 girls & mom:
Lauren (the baby), Cindy (the mother), Andrea (the oldest), Jenn (the middle one--that's me!)

A girl who knows enough to love and respect her mama is a girl who will go far in life and succeed!

the senior girls who attended the tea
(my sister would be the tallest one in the back!)


Bree Shaw said...

what great pictures and traditions. i love how all of you guys match so well.

Jennifer said...

Awesome pictures! Congrats to the senior.

I am Harriet said...

Oh wow. How cool!

Amee Jones said...

What a great family!

Corin said...

You guys did a great job of matching. I'm curious did Lauren have the biggest following?

Anonymous said...

Corin-I think Shayla Watson beat me out because she had two Grandmas there and a cousin plus a sis, mom, niece and nephew. Lol. But thanks to Jenn and Andrea for taking off of work to come!!

Anonymous said...

Jenn- Where has the time gone? You all look so good. Can't believe she's graduating. This is the first Senior Tea I've missed since we had moved there. Thanks for sharing. LOL

Erin said...

What great photos! I am crazy about the second one. Such pretty girls!

Cindy said...

Yes Senior Tea has grown a bit since I was in school....Awsome pics!

The Mom Jen said...

Beautiful ladies, great genes! Love the flowers in the mouth photo!