Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy


Don't make fun of my whitey white baby against her very tan skinned cousins!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! Look at that bow! She is precious.
Bunches of Love--Aunt Kea

Andrea Frederick said...

WOW, she sure is white! Cute pics...can't wait to see you "fix up" the rest!

Bree Shaw said...

those are adorable! i never really noticed how fair skin she was until i saw her next to both of them. she is a cutie, white skin and all:)

Corin said...

Hey we can't all be naturaly tan. Natalee and I are probably the same color. All three of them are very cute.

Shonya said...

Awwwwwww. . . .

Anonymous said...

What a sweet bunch!

Martha said...

She is beautiful (and her cousins are cuties too!)

Faith - That's Just Freaking Lovely said...

What a great picture .. I love the dress she's wearing!

Unknown said...

I love bald headed girl babies (I had one of my own). Her smile is to die for!

Ladybird said...

Precious! I love her dress! And those cheeks! I could just pinch them!

Anonymous said...

I think all three of them are beautiful babies reguardless of their skin color, hair color, eye color, size, clothing, etc... Beautiful, beautiful babies! Kristina

Cindy said... the pics...she will get color eventually:)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

She is perfectly beautiful.

simply_unique said...

adorable! she is just 2 cute!

MediMonsters said...

She could so be my child! I lack the tanning gene. LOL

The Mom Jen said...

Oh my GRAVY, what adorable shots!

Stacy Uncorked said...

She is absolutely ADORABLE!! Love the shot of the three, too! So CUTE!

Happy ATWT! :)

MamaJoss said...

Oh YOU are GOOD Mommy...look at that perfect picture (both photos that is) -- I only have 2 kiddos and didn't have it in me to do take a photo...maybe on Easter. You have an adorable crew (I'm sure you NEVER hear that right?)