Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

This is my 6 1/2 year old nephew and my daughter. To be honest, when Natalee was born I didn't think Colby would care too much about her but he tends to her and plays with her more than his little sister, who I thought would be gaga over her. Colby can usually not resist getting on the floor and cooing to Natalee and moving her legs around...especially now that she gives some giggles, smiles and coos back. He's convinced that she's a genius...he's forever telling me, "Gigi, I think she said mommy," or "Gigi, she can say no!." I love his sweetness with her and hope he'll always be her big protector since she won't have a older brother!
does anyone else see how he's holding her little hand? be still my heart...


Andrea Frederick said...

He does love playing with her and talks about her a lot. I am surprised also. Goes to show that we should never assume. He loved getting to go with mom to pick her up last week! We should get just the two of them together more often.

Shonya said...

I think it's funny how we kind of assume the girls will be better with little kids than boys--I've done the same thing. But now all my nieces and nephews think Destry is absolutely the COOLEST and won't hardly leave him alone. He's really good with younger children. I think it's a sign of a boy who will be a good daddy--and it looks to me like D and Colby both have pretty good examples there!

Anonymous said...

Isn't he a little lover? My son was like that when he was little. He'd always tell me "Mom, Niki's hogging the baby!"

Corin said...

What is it about boys and babies that melts a girls heart?

Faith - That's Just Freaking Lovely said...

Aww, how sweet. They're very cute together!

Bree Shaw said...

what a great picture. look at the difference in their complexions with their hands together. so glad he loves her!

Kelly said...

Ah...that's so sweet. Love the second photo!