Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was reminded today why I do what I do...

Because someday that tough little guy who acts like he 'don't need nobody' will need you.
He'll need to crawl up on your lap and cry and cry and cry.
And then he'll need you to let him put his macho shell back on, because that's the way he deals with life.

And your heart will be so broken that you'll need to go to your boss's office and have a cry of your own.
And you'll need to pray for that child, because no one else is.

That's why I do what I do...


Andrea Frederick said...

Amen...and you made a difference to a child that had no one else!

Erin said...

Ditto Miss Jenn...I've had my heart broken more at work then any other place in my life. But that's the exact reason we have to keep doing what we do.

Shonya said...

Awwww. . .I'm so glad the little guy has you to care about him!!