Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On My Knees

Do you ever feel like you should get on your knees and just stay there for a couple of days? Welcome to my week. Besides the rant I posted a couple of days ago (which seems to be turning out very well...more about that later) we have had many things going on here that need prayer:
  • This afternoon our dear friend Erin and her little sister were in a car accident while on their way into my house to pick up my niece and nephew for a fun day/sleepover. Erin rolled her Trailblazer and the lastest update I heard was that she was on her way to University Hospital (from the county hospital) because her CT/X-rays showed a cracked neck vertebrae. Her sister has had stitches but is not requiring transfer that I know of. Pray for Erin; her husband Trenton; her mother, who had to receive a call today that 2 of her daughters were in an accident (shudder); and the rest of her family.
  • Yesterday morning Mike's dad got a call from his sister reporting that Mike's grandma was lying on the couch bleeding from her mouth with swollen blue legs. This, too, required a trip to the hospital and when Mike got home from visiting her yesterday he seemed very discouraged at her condition. It is so hard to watch our loved ones age. However, reports from today show much improvement and her spirits are high. She's still giving instructions out to her kids on what they need to do to get things ready for our family Christmas on Saturday. Pray, that if she is well, she might come home in time for our family Christmas...
  • My dear friend and piano mentor, Maureen had a heart attack last week and came home. However she went back to the hospital not feeling well this week. Reports seem good but still a stressor to her family to watch her go back and forth.
  • Another gentleman in our church is battling heart failure. His battle seems to be slipping. His wife and 4 children have been heavy on my heart lately. Pray for them...that if it is God's will a heart donor would come available, but that if he is taken Home the children and wife are comforted and wrapped in His love.
If you feel so compelled, won't you pray with me?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fast and Hot

Boy, my post title sounds a little racy, huh? Rest assured I'm referring to breakfast...more about that in a minute...

We've had a busy December. Natalee had a glorious first birthday and 2nd Christmas, which I'll blog about and put pictures up of soon. In case you hadn't heard, I'm pregnant...due July 4th, which explains my blogging absence. By the time we get our night time routine done, I'm spent and ready for bed, and you, my blogger friends, aren't winning out over sleep. (Don't feel bad--neither is my laundry.) I'm still reading your blogs, of course, but haven't made time to make myself sit down and load pictures and the works. I'm hoping to get out of the 1st trimester slump and get back in the groove soon.

Anyhow--back to breakfast. Ever had that morning where you want something more than a bowl of cereal?...something hot but not hard to prepare? This is me all the time. A Facebook friend posted a recipe and I fixed it to my own liking and it actually wasn't too bad. So...I thought I'd share...

you need:
2 cans of refrigerator biscuits (you know the ones--the ones you buy in a 4 pack for cheap at Wal-Mart)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 package instant vanilla pudding mix
4 tsp butter/margarine

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut your biscuits into fourths. Throw them in a bowl with a lid or a gallon ziplock bag with your cinnamon & pudding mix. Shake, shake, shake it to coat it well.
Melt your butter/margarine in the microwave or stovetop and coat it over the biscuits.
Throw the biscuits in a 9 in round pan and arrange so they are even in the pan. Bake 20 minutes.
I drizzled mine with an icing made of powdered sugar and milk after they came out of the oven. Kind of like a coffee cake...of so easy but yummy.

Enjoy and I hope you had a very blessed Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Girl Is One! {Natalee}

 This is my girl. My princess. Who is Words can't describe how much we love her. Happy birthday, sweetie. Mommy & Daddy are so proud of the little lady you are becoming!

#4 photo #5 is purposely skipped at this time

Happy Birthday, Natalee

Of course we let her open a present on her birthday eve! Jammies...her first nightgown ever to be exact. Words can't express what it's like to watch your little girl turn one. We love you so much,'ll always be our baby!

she opened it right after bath time and apparently it took so much concentration she had to get her tongue involved!

I'm not the only sucker. Grandma Cindy & Papa Curtis let her open a present at their house last night...the Little People Nativity. Thanks Gma & Papa...she's finally figured out how to make the stable sing...and sing, and sing, and sing! She loves it!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Staying in Motion

This girl...

is all that's kept me going this week. Worked Monday. ENT Tuesday. From Columbia to Fairfield for visitation for our Darby Tuesday night. Funeral Wednesday. AWANA Christmas program rehearsal Wednesday night. Work today...I think. Bi-lateral tubes for Natalee tomorrow in Columbia.
To add to it...out of commission van for the moment--hoping to get it going tonight. Driving the car this morning and the rock chip that the auto glass company sealed for us decided to go ahead and pop and crack all the way across.

Really, not complaining...still thankful:
-that Darby knew Jesus and is resting with Him.
-that Natalee will probably not have permanent hearing loss.
-for friends who pick me up and bring over pizza, offer hugs, who call daily, & give encouragement.
-for family who watch my baby, rock her when she's out of sorts, and wash my dirty laundry.
-for a job to go to, even if I've only gone twice this week.
-for a car that's running, even if it's not my first choice.
-for health, Christmas, and all other things sweet.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm not quite ready to blog about this yet but do have to're always in my heart, Darby girl. I pray you are walking hand in hand with Jesus tonight, Sweetie.
Your Rocky Mountain Mama

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blessing Box

This morning on Spirit FM a lady called in when they were talking about Thanksgiving traditions and said that at her house they have a box and all year long they put their blessings in it. Then on Thanksgiving they gather round, open the box, and read their blessings from the whole year.

How cool is that?

And so, I don't have a box with tiny slips of paper in it this year...maybe next year. But if I did, here's what I imagine they would say...

Natalee--of course, because she's darling, and sweet, and so totally ours!

a husband, who holds me tight, always understands, and lets me feel like I'm darn near perfect!

sisters, who know when to pick me up and when to let me lay on the couch.

a dad, who tells me it will be peeerrrfect, even when I'm not so sure it's how I planned it.

a mom, who holds my hand, and guides me through it all.

a Savior, who never judges and never turns His back.

a niece and nephew, who make me smile & make me scream, but who never cease to amaze me!

in-laws, who know when to step in and when to hold back but who are always there.

friends & co-workers, who make me laugh, make me cry, call to check on me, and recognize when I need uplifting words.

a house--lovingly cozy, humble, and ours!

Oh, this year, for sure, our box would be overflowing with blessings...there are so many more unnamed than these.

Here's hoping your box overflows today and always!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Just Have to Say...


to everyone for their encouraging words regarding Natalee's little ears. Isn't it just like a mother to feel like whatever battle we are facing right now is the worst thing ever? Next month it will be something else. But for now, I needed to hear your words of encouragement, know that your prayers are with us, and understand that other little ones have been through tubes and are all the better for it. My baby sister was a tube baby and I truly believe she be dutchy and deaf as all get out had it not been for that (sorry, Lauren!).
So thanks again to everyone...we got an appointment for next Wednesday and are all anxious to hear what Dr. Campbell tells us. And if it's tubes, I'm sure I'll have questions for those of you who have been down that road!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Climb, Baby, Climb

Tonight, I am thankful for this fairly healthy, beautiful, strong, able-bodied, ornery, loving, lovable, *almost* one year old. She's learned something new and she's oh-so proud!


ears. fluid. ache. tears. pain. manipulation. medicine. and repeat.

This is Natalee's life the last month. Her poor little ears have been so full of fluid and junk. I just hate it for her. We've tried the natural method of treatment--manipulative massage treatments...and for awhile they cleared her out and she felt better. But even with repeated treatments she's full. We've done 2 rounds of antibiotic, which I hated but feared worse the pain, hearing loss and speech problems that would come if I let the full ears persist. We finished round 2 and went in today, on my request, to just see if they were even clear. And nada. Full up. The right one is worse, which is the one we've had the worse ear aches in, but both have fluid.
I've also noticed of late that Natalee's not making some of the sounds I think she should be making to attain developmental milestones. She's close, but I know she can do more. I'm okay with her not being "top of the class" but if she's delayed then I feel like it's our job to be her advocates and help her out. Looking back I also thing it's important to note that Natalee didn't pass her hearing test in one ear when she was born. She did eventually pass the re-screen but not the initial test.
So here's what we know--she obviously hears us...she hears us say "pat-a-cake" and claps her hands, she turns when we say her name, she laughs when we laugh. However, I also know what it's like to have a student who has had minor hearing loss or fluid build-up from birth. Not "too" bad but delayed, dutchy, chubby-mouthed talk.
And so, here's where we are...Natalee's ears are full of fluid. Our family doctor thinks she needs to be seen by a specialist and so we are waiting for our appointment to an ENT Otolaryngologist. We're seeing the same doctor who saw my baby sister when she was a tot and Colby just a few years ago. I'm praying for the most non-invasive treatment available but preparing for the opposite. Most of all, I'm ready to have a little lamb who has 2 little ears who are as perfect on the inside as they are on the outside.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fighting it Out

Mike & I have both been battling sinus, viral infections. Our routine consists of: play with Natalee on floor, stop, blow, play, blow, blow, play. (with some wash, washings in there of course so we don't spread germs). We are both so tired of the "junk." Mike also adds hacking cough to his routine. It's lovely. Did I mention that Natalee is frightened of both "hacking cough" and "blowing nose?" That's lovely, too. So really it's more like play, stop, blow, wimper, play, cough, cry! Awesome...poor kid.

Natalee's had an ear infection, *again* that we hope is clearing up. Just in case you were wondering, everyone's 'drainage' is now clear so that means our viruses (a.k.a...germs we could give to you) are dead. Now it's just the leavings, which are sometimes the worst!
Here's to hoping everyone's back to normal so our taste buds can actually taste that turkey on Thursday!

For today, we'll be venturing to church, grateful to be out after keeping shut-in all weekend, but will be trying to keep to ourselves. No nursery class, Sunday School, etc. We'll slip in, hear the message, and slip out (to mom's of course to share our sniffles over meatloaf!). Tonight we have Thanksgiving fellowship supper and it's my CWS month so I'll be disinfecting my hands, rolling up my sleeves, and digging in to help my awesome mom with that (awesome because she's done 90% of it herself!...okay more like 98%).

Hoping everyone is well at your house! Have a blessed Sunday!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just Add Snow...

Cheaper Than Therapy

She's ready to play!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

All We Want for Christmas...

So, for Andrea I decided to actually take the time to sit down and think about what this family wants for Christmas. What do we need? Not much. We have a lovely (humble) home, each other, and lots of love. But, because you asked...

needs some big girl toys! She still likes her rattles and stuff but she needs things that are more developmentally appropriate for her age. We're getting her a drum & other musical instruments which we know she'll love and for her birthday we're giving her the wagon/ride-on toy/stroller, but as far as other ideas...
I posted a few birthday ideas awhile back and besides those I just can't think of much. We pack her a big bag of toys to take to Lora Jean's every week so she really does get the good out of her toys that are transportable. However, this also means that she gets a little bored with them at times, no matter how I switch them out. She doesn't need books, unless of course they are really adorable and fun!
Toys that make noise are sometimes fun for her and sometimes scary, so if that's something you have in mind then just know that she may have to warm up a little. She has a favorite baby doll and I don't think she'll be willing to branch out from her much for another year or so.
Something I'd love her to have (silly but true) is a flannel crib sheet. I also know she'd love, and we'd get a lot of use out of, the wagon they have with the canopy. (I think Wal-Mart has it). She'd love to sit in it for walks...but it is a pricey venture and we wouldn't expect one person to get it. However, if a couple of you are looking to go together...well...there you go!
In clothes she's at 18 month that fits well and 24 month if you want it to fit for more than a few weeks.

Okay, enough about her...
The only thing I can think of that I need/want is a Swiffer Wet Jet. But I've told everyone who has asked me that this is what I want and considering I have a bday and Christmas then I need to be a thinking!
I'm not in the mood for clothes right now...and doubt a month will make much of a difference! We're full up on pretties and knick-knacks around here and little hands only get into those things! Something that I've wanted for several years is a nativity for my front yard. You know--the plastic one that lights up, where you can buy the individual pieces--or something else entirely if you can find one that's wonderful! Other than that I'm stuck right now...I'll keep thinking.

and Mike? oh, dear.
Mike's list always seems to be pricey and hard-to-get...but this year I'm keeping him real (and realistic). Whether he knows it or not he needs some new shirts. Long sleeved t-shirts (2X) to be particular...and a few short sleeve wouldn't hurt either. An "awesome" t-shirt to him would be something with Star Wars, Victory motorcycles, or West Coast Choppers. You know...manly! He likes black, blue (yawn), and I'd like to see him wear some color!!
Mike has also been quite a reader lately. While he's a steady reader, he's a bit slower than the library likes you to be, so we buy most of the books he reads. He'd love to have The Circle Series and the Lost Series by Ted Dekker. His favorite author is Robert Liparulo, a Christian fiction man whom we saw in Colorado, and while he has all of his "adult" books, I think he'd like his young adult series, the Dreamhouse Kings series.
Other than that, Mike's as much of a mystery as ever...he doesn't need any collectibles as we just simply don't have the space to display them and our basement is full of tubs of things that we're "saving for another day."

For each other, Mike and I are looking into renovating our upstairs instead of buying each other gifts. It's never been about the "stuff" for us, and we'd love to have 2 bedrooms upstairs. That way we can move Natalee's bed upstairs and keep the downstairs room as a playroom. Sounds like a good Christmas break project (that involves some of our mannlier family members!).

So, that's all for now...what's on your Christmas wish list this year?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Never, Ever...

...leave home without your baby doll!



Oh, yes...our morning routine--get Natalee up, change diaper, dress her, wash face, brush teeth (all 6), take picture, grab diaper bag, make sure Scout is in the bag (usually run back upstairs to get Scout out of the bed!...sometimes Natalee grabs her when we get her up.).
I'm glad she has a lovey that she cares so much about, but it is a little nerve-wracking...
Scout goes everywhere with us. Church, Lora Jean's, Grandmas...
she's the thing we make sure we have right after we make sure we have Natalee.
Got Natalee? yep
Got Scout? yep
That's how we roll at our house!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

In Response

In response to the following comment regarding my post about Halloween:

The word Samhain as in the article "Halloween and Sanhain Feast" Samhein is just a different name for Satan. Secondly, the all about God website is a secular Christian website. Biblically speaking, God specifically warns against celebrating Pagan holidays. Just because something starts as a pagan holiday and then is sugar coated doesn't mean it's ok to celebrate it because they've changed a few of the details. The underlying reason for the holiday being created was still Satanic. Trick or treat is a practice from the satanic version of the holiday.
Some thing that start evil cant be changed to good, really your still involving yourself in a once pagan holiday. Of course many different people will come up with the it isn't bad now thing because turning away is alot harder than finding away to be a part of sin.
My family will no longer take part in the pagan created holidays.

Firstly, thank you for your comment. I'd like to defend my family by asking that you not assume that we don't turn from sin or that we take the easy road. All decisions we make for ourselves and our daughter are prayed about and God led. Perhaps our choices don't match yours but that stems from different upbringing & what we feel our answer to prayer is. Maybe our minds will change later in life, but for now we are comfortable with our decision and don't feel as though God will be frowning down on us tonight. For if what we do is in His glory then why should we feel anything but peace? Also, I'd like to reiterate that, as with all things, this night can be what you make it.

Regarding the comment from Breanna...
Thank you for your kind words. I applaud you finding an alternate way to have some family fun since the holiday crosses with your family's eating preferences. I agree that teaching our children why we do certain things is so very important (and hard!).

Lastly, I would ask that, should you choose to comment anonymously on my blog, that you at least sign your name with your comment. I am open to opposing viewpoints but appreciate the respect of you leaving your identity.

A Christian Mother's View on Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that rolls in my mind for weeks leading up to it. In all aspects of life I want to be sure that I'm not doing things to bring shame upon God. So, a few days ago when I received a podcast from a Facebook friend that labeled Halloween as nothing but a satanic holiday I began to question again. Mike and I have had many a discussion about this holiday--he loves everything about it and I'm kind of indifferent, however I love the fun for the children. And so I did a little research of my own. I truly believe that you can find anything on the Internet to back up what you want to believe so instead of looking for something to back up the fact that I wanted someone to tell me Halloween is okay, I googled phrases such as, 'halloween and christians,' 'history of christian halloween,' and just plain 'halloween,' etc. Most of the websites I read sadi that Halloween actually does have a Christian origin. One article on was written very plainly and was easy for me to read and understand...

It starts by clarifying that Halloween actually comes from the Celts and was two-fold in was a celebration on the Eve of Nov 1st to commemorate deceased relatives and to ward off evil spirits by dressing as witches, goblins, etc.
This seemed and little satanic in nature to me and when I read it I though, "uh, oh...what am I going to do with all of the candy I bought?"
Then I kept reading....

Christian History of Halloween – Missionary Involvement
The Lord had different plans for the Celt’s and during the second century He sent a few missionaries to England and Ireland to convert the people to Christianity. When the Christian missionaries journeyed from Europe and arrived in the land of the Celt’s, the Druids, after hearing the Gospel, became eager for all their people to become Christians and to denounce their pagan gods and practices such as superstitiously appeasing and cast off evil demon spirits. In time, they adapted and combined the tradition of their feast on November 1 and “all Hallows Eve” together with the Gospel. The Christian monks decided it would be an effective way to share the Gospel and to dispel and lay to rest the Celt’s superstition about ghosts and evil spirits. That Christ, their Creator and Savior, defeated Satan, death, and evil at the cross and through Him alone, evil demons were powerless and would flee.

Halloween and the Samhain Feast also provided an opportunity to be reminded of or learn about Christian heroes and martyrs along with the Celt‘s continuing to officially recognize and commemorate the souls of their blessed dead who had been declared saints.

Many scholars agree that the commemoration of saints on November 1 first originated in Ireland, spread from there to England, and then to the continent of Europe with the rise of Christianity. By the ninth century, the Roman Catholic Church adopted the Celt’s Halloween tradition and Pope Gregory IV sent out an official letter of notification urging that Halloween be observed in harmony with All Saints Day throughout the Roman Empire.

Halloween is derived from the term All Hollows Eve and "Hallomass," meaning Holy evening.

And I realized that inevitably Halloween can be what you make it. You can make it a satanic day of worship, or you can learn about the real meaning behind it & choose to celebrate and give thanks to the Christian heroes and martyrs who have gone before us and paved the way for us.

And so, in our house, we'll be teaching Natalee the meaning behind Halloween, just as we teach her the true meaning of Christman, and we'll be allowing her to participate as long as she likes.
(for Halloween Parenting Tips click HERE)
As parents we've made the decision that she won't be dressing as a satanic symbol at any age--witch, goblin, etc., lest someone question our beliefs, but that there is no harm in dressing as a princess, an angel, a favorite Disney character, Bible character, or (like this year) a ladybug. Next year we may consider a more Christian "treat" to hand out to those who come to our door, but we will be handing out treats.

Like I can be what you make it and at our house--as with all things we do--we'll strive to make it as God focused as we can. Will little ghosts & goblins come to our door tonight? Of course. And so I'll pray that they know the Lord and I'll continue working to reach every one of them through the church's children program.
And as for me and my house...we will serve the Lord. And they'll know we are Christians by our love...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The Ladybug

Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Light of Recent Sickness...

Will all the H1N1 & other flu viruses going around there are a few things I'm glad I don't have to do without! We opted not to do the vaccine for any of the flu viruses. It's not that I think we won't get the's just a personal decision. However, I am grateful for a few things in my life that make us, especially Natalee, come in contact with less germs.

I would never use this on Natalee because it's alcohol based and could be dangerous if she licked her hands (which she most assuredly will do) but I use it frequently. I never pick her up from Lora Jean's without having either washed my hands (my preference) or rubbing myself down with this.
Ahh, our stroller. Our saving grace that means, as long as there is 2 of us going grocery shopping (one to push this, one to push the cart), that she doesn't even have to breath near a cart! God bless you comfy stroller!

My shopping cart cover. Yep, I'm THAT mom. I invested in this beauty from One Step Ahead and it is truly the easiest shopping cart cover to put on, it throws in the wash when we get home, it has it's own over the should harness, side pockets, toy loops, (I could go on) if I am by myself Natalee is still protected. We also use it at restaurants to cover the highchairs.

We also use lots of baby wipes, throw lots of toys in the dishwasher or run them through a Clorox sink, and spray Lysol frequently.

Tell me, what are your "no germs" saving graces? What keeps you sane (and healthy) during this outrageous flu seasons?