Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve, Everyone!...from Natalee

Dear Everybody,

Merry Christmas Eve! Tonight my mommy dressed me all up in my Christmas tights and we went to Christmas Eve service at the church. This was the first time I've ever heard mommy play the piano for church (from the outside, anyways) and I got to go up on stage while mommy and daddy read the scripture of baby Jesus' birth...kinda symbolic if you ask me! What a night...(I slept through it all).
Then, as is the Christmas Eve tradition at our house, I got to open a present from mommy and daddy. His name is Tommy Turtle and he shines stars on my ceiling and walls at nighttime. I love him, I really do...don't let my indifferent looking face lead you to believe otherwise. I was tired when we opened him up.
I warmed up to him and gave him love and kisses
(or I was hungry and took it out on him).

Anyhow, just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Eve. We're off to Papa and Grandma's tomorrow to celebrate with everyone there. I have to get off to bed now...waiting for Santa is hard work, especially when you're little!

Love to you and your families!
Natalee Cynthia


Alice said...

love your red bow, happy holiday to you and your family as well...

Andrea Frederick said...

We're going to the late service. See you in the morning, Miss Natalee!