Wednesday, December 31, 2008

little bear suit

I had to blog about this real quick because of Corin's comment on the stroller ride post. Corin, you mentioned how you like the hat with the ears...oh, it's soooo much cuter than that. It's a little bear snowsuit. It's great because it's not really heavy and thick like a lot of's just the right weight and it's so snuggly and darling. Mike's Aunt Donna bought it for my baby shower and we have been using it quite a bit since it's been below 0! Just thought I'd share the cuteness...enjoy the pictures.PS I've seen these at Herberger's if you are looking for something similar...they are Carter's brand. Oh, and take note of the little paws on the feet!


Corin said...

oh the cuteness!! Those little paws are what really put it over the top.

Bree Shaw said...

super cute!