Wednesday, December 3, 2008

in case you didn't know...

...if and when this baby every does decide to come, you'll have to rely on my sister for pics and updates for a few days. mike thinks he wants to take a computer with to the hospital but i think i've convinced my techno savvy husband that we'll be overfocused on more important things and we'll be just fine without it...
keep praying...


Anonymous said...

i think you are right! leave it! if you change your mind... one of us could always bring it! :)

Bree Shaw said...

that makes me laugh! when we went to visit tiffany and stikie in ottumwa they had their laptop there. i think they had trouble getting it to get on the internet there. so if you did take it, it may not work. just a thought:)

Corin said...

Oh these leading titles. Everytime there is a lull in your blog activity I get all excited and then I see a title like In Case you didn't know. I'm like this is it she's in labor and bless her calm, well organized heart she's letting us all know before she takes off to the hospital. Not that I would have had to wherewithall to do that but your Jenn you would. Until this baby watch results in a baby I think you should start all post with Still Pregnant or No Baby Yet, So I can stop yelling at my computer to hurry up so I can find out the news. Steve and I are still hoping for Saturday. Tell Andrea to put us on the call list so we can come visit.

Andrea Frederick said...

I think you should give me your password so I can at least put a pic on your blog. Of course, I will update my hourly! Maybe I should start a call list too.....