I've told you what a noisy sleeper Natalee is, but I thought I'd prove it. Tonight she wailed out real loud, so I went and got her from her bed...turns out she was still sleepy and fell back asleep while I was holding her. She musta started dreamin' because she was a grunting and squeaking and raising her eyebrows like crazy. Of course, by the time daddy got the camera she settled down a little but you get the jest of what her sleeping life is like. Do you think she sleeps soundly?...she never seems able to relax. Poor lady...
Happy 2 weeks, baby girl! I love you!
I think it's fine that is how Levi slept too. Just FYI babies don't have a pattern to their breathing yet and they may even stop breathing for up to 10 seconds. That use to scare the crap out of Steve and I before we found out it was normal. Thought I'd try and save you a freak out, if Natalee ever does that.
Glad to know that, Corin...I didn't & she does have very irregular breathing. How rough to be a baby!
poor baby! i bet she is sleeping better than you think.
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