Sunday, December 28, 2008

be in prayer...

Please be in prayer tonight & in the days following for Mike's Grandma Betty. She had been hospitalized recently for MRSA (staph infection) that she got because of a sore on her leg...she's been home a couple of weeks and started feeling poorly again. She's been bleeding and feeling very weak, so yesterday after the family Christmas get together her kids took her back to the hospital. She was directly admitted and found to have an upper GI bleed...she's currently on her 6th unit of blood...the praise is that when she was admitted her hemoglobin was at a's currently at 8.6 (we're aiming for 11) at least it's moving in a positive direction. However, while getting in the car to go to the hospital yesterday, she also fell on the ice and broke her foot/ankle in 2 places.
She was hospitalized last night & tonight in the ICU in Kirksville. Tomorrow morning the kids (her kids) are taking her on to Columbia to the University hospital where a GI doctor will see her as well as an ankle/foot doctor . This puts my mind very much at ease as the resources are just two-fold because of the connection to the University and the larger size.
Please pray for Betty's health, but also for her mental status as she works on dealing with these setbacks. Pray she is able to come home soon and be comfortable in her own home.

Betty & Miss Natalee

Four Generations...Mike~Natalee~Mike's dad, Phil~Betty


Bree Shaw said...

i will keep her in my prayers. how sad:( hope things go well in columbia

Corin said...

I hope Betty is doing better. Please keep us updated.