Miss Natalee is one week old today and in celebration she has her first tummyache. Mommy is more heartbroken than Natalee. She's sleeping well still, but she's been spitting up so I'm just sure something I ate for my birthday supper last night didn't agree with her. Poor lambchop. The good news is that Scotland is getting out of school early on account of the weather so her daddy is coming home early. Not that she's being bad and I need back-up, but sometimes he can get her to burp better than I can and maybe that will help her little tummy. She's sleeping now on my shoulder...I'm going to go lay her down and see if she can sleep...she never sleeps soundly when we are holding her--she prefers her bed. Hopefully she'll feel better this afternoon and we'll get some 1 week pictures taken. We were supposed to go to Replogle Studios tonight and get some done, but the weather has nixed that idea, too. We'll be staying in where it is warm and cozy.
Hopefully I'll get you some pictures up later...I took some darling pictures yesterday for her Christmas cards but I'm not going to post them b/c then they won't be any fun when you get them in the mail!
Stay warm, drive safely...
ah you're mean! ;) can't wait to see them!! do you have any fennel seed?? (it's a spice) you can make a strong tea and just give her a couple drops in her mouth. should calm her tummy right away. if it's something you ate, you go ahead and drink a tbsp or so of the tea so she doesn't get a tummy ache next time she eats! :) this REALLY helped us! liz has such a sensitive tummy! hope she napped well for you!!
Jen, I hope you do post her Christmas picture because I would like to see it. She is such a sweet baby girl!!! Congratulations. You both did a great job! Kristina
poor little babes! actually it is harder for you than her. she will be alright:) glad you are home where it is nice and warm, cuz I'M NOT!
no more cabbage for you!
I can't believe she's a week old already. When I would eat peanuts Levi would get a tummy ache. Those little gas drops always helped us. But truthfully she'll probably be over it before you could treat it.
still waiting for pictures.....
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