Thursday, September 11, 2008

baby, oh baby!

tonight my hubby says we can finish cleaning out the nursery & put the crib up!!! yay!! i'm so excited i can hardly stand it. i'm going to go through my totes (i have 1 neutral, 1 boy & 1 girl) & find the little outfits & sleepers that are 0-3 months & wash them in baby detergent!! i can't wait...i think i'm ready to start that 'nesting' stage or whatever they call it. we may even go over & get the changing table that's been hanging out in phil & sara's garage!!!

also have to run up to the church & pick up our paint mess from last night. we learned about "God made light and dark on day 1" & all the kids got a big white piece of posterboard & got to fingerpaint with black on it (they were gloved & gowned). every week we'll learn about another day of creation & will add to their posters until they have a finished mural in 7 weeks! exciting! they loved the paint & i loved the help i had with 22 little picaso's!!!

off to a good start today...feeling okay, not too tired, & had my first reading observation today & the reading coach told my hubby i was 'an old pro.' i'll meet with her formally later, but not too bad of a compliment for a first year teacher with a new reading series!

later, loves...come by if you want to play in the nursery tonight!


Andrea Frederick said...

That's exciting. I remember when we got our crib and we couldn't put it together b/c we were waiting on carpet. I know it is too tempting to just leave it sit there and wait....just begging to be put together!

Bree Shaw said...

how exciting!