Saturday, December 30, 2017

Great Grandma Betty's Christmas

The Saturday following Christmas finds us celebrating the season with Mike's extended family.
Our children love playing with same aged cousins!
 Such a classy sugar...
Such a serious little present opener...
In birth order...
10, 9, 7, 7, 3, 3, 2, 2
Nap time with great grandma after pictures and presents...
 A lively bunch o'coconuts...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas at Papa Curtis's and Grandma Num's

We celebrated Christmas with "my" family on December 26th.

These little boys got popcorn tins.  Christmas = successful for them.
A Teddy with his aunties...
Present time....
We got Theo twin babies and he took great care of them the rest of the day.
 A beaver vanity plate for Vance!
Cars 3!
A bigger pot for my growing family!  And a tea pot inside it. {love}
Magic tracks!
Jumping stones!

We ate good food, played games, and just enjoyed being together.  The day went too quickly.  I simply love my family.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day at Home

We were home on Christmas Day this year and had a pretty good day together.
We invited my folks over for brunch and Mike's folks for supper and it was nice to have people in our house.

Everyone got Legos from Daddy and Mommy and we had a great big Lego day!
 Daddy got a pull up bar...
 He also danced ballet with Mia to her new ballerina CD...
wild hair baby...
This boy got these in his stocking and would have eaten the entire box by noon if we hadn't hidden them!
 He wanted this kind of hat so badly!