Such a lot of sweet memories with this little boy...
This year I've watched as the last of his babyhood really slips away. He is long and lanky and makes weird noises. He's protective and helpful and likes to be the man. He always has a better way to do things and tries to fix most anything - whether it be a broken toy or a bad attitude. He still likes to snuggle and still has terrible eating habits. He is a tech junky and has a mechanic's mind. The way things work makes sense to him and I'm excited to see how that serves him later in life.
Xavier, you remind me of your dad often, which both makes me smile and sigh. (ha) The things about daddy that drive me crazy in him, drive me crazy in you, too. However, the things in your daddy that made me fall in love with him, make me fall in love with you everyday. You are helpful, you are kind, you stop to talk to people and you care about what they say. You are laid back and relaxed. You talk, a lot, and I'm always reminding myself to listen because you have really interesting things to say. You are an observer and a good judge of character.
At 6:24 a.m. six years ago you stole quickly into the day. You could wait for no one and you still like to do things your own way.
Son, we love you so much. We're proud of who you've become in six years and are excited to see what God does in your life!
Happy birthday, Xavier Micheal.