I don't hide how I feed Zayden to my children, however I don't make a big deal of it. It's just normal and natural in our home...I nurse him, no big thing. My darling "little mama" is always watching...always, always...
She's nursing her baby, just like mama.
I also occasionally pump so I can leave Zayden with Mike (especially on Wednesday nights when I go to J.A.M.)...apparently she doesn't miss that either. Such a smartie.
You know what you don't have a lot of time for while you're potty training a toddler? Nothing. You have a lot of time for doing NOTHING else. Ha. Couple that with a little minor flare up of mono and this week I've been wiped (or accepted that I've been wiped out for 2-3 weeks). Despite the fatigue, we've had a great week...
My snuggle buddy who is spoiled rotten. {grin}
The kids are loving the little art resource area on the school hutch.
Ameliya just continues growing up.
The children, especially Xavier, loved the lessons we did on Apollo and going to space. They watched a couple of clips of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin going to the moon and loved them. Xavier kept begging to see more.
When the big kids and I went to J.A.M., Daddy took the little ones for a walk...
We did some Draw-Write-Now. I sometimes forget how much the kids love these.
I had Natalee choose 2 letters to practice from her writing.
Xavier is becoming quite a sketcher. We may need to work on his finger spaces (he he).
Ameliya was not to be left out. She asked for a book (in a series of words, gestures, and grunts and then a paper).
Our sweet handsome boy sleeps right in the dining room in the midst of all our chaos. You can see his bassinet tucked to the side of Xavier's chair.
Ameliya got to practice with scissors.
I made her practice in the correct "thumb to the sky" position, but then let her have her own way.
The big kids played games on Thursday during nap time.
Zayden and I supervised!
{those eyebrows}
Look at this big boy paying attention to his toys.
Daddy took a day off on Friday so that he, Natalee and I could have our annual eye exams.
In the morning, we hosted a homeschool play date. We took some easy to travel toys to our church's youth building and for a blessed hour and a half the kids played while the adults visited. It was a really simple, much needed time.
After lunch and naps,
we shipped the busy toddler to Grandma Num and Papa Curtis's and Xavier came along to help with Zayden during our eye exams. Natalee's eyes improved...Daddy and I weren't so fortunate.
After our eye exams, we hit the grocery stores. Zayden Sam turns out to be quite a shopper and apparently Ameliya taught him some bad tricks!
And today, today was Saturday...
I woke up to this face:
I finished sorting little girl clothes and got a handle on getting the excess OUT. Poor Zayden...
The big kids played outside in the 50 degree sunshine for a long while and Mike smoked some ribs (yum!). It was the busy kind of day that needs to happen once in awhile - just accomplishing little things here and there around the house.
Laundry is chugging and we're getting ready for a new week.