We purchased chalk blocks with Mia's grandparent "spoiling" money yesterday and got them out this evening. What fun! Our kids LOVE building and have great imaginations so I was pretty certain these would be a fun shared item.
If you don't like a little chalk dust, these aren't for you. Chalk dust doesn't bother me in the least. We did immediately start training Mia that the chalk is only for the blocks. She'll get it quickly.
If you live near a Toys R Us go snag yours now...they were originally $19.99 but we only paid $8.99 yesterday. I do feel like it was a bargain for 32 wood blocks!
Last Thursday we needed to run to the church to see of the NYR crew and do some paperwork for them. I instructed Mia to get her shoes. She got out her play sandals (from the bucket by the door), then turned abruptly, went to her room, and got in her bottom drawer where her other shoes are kept. She dropped the play sandals and brought me these sparkly flats with a fluffy puff on the top. So practical and fashionable with her sweat shorts and t-shirt!
I tried to talk her into the play sandals but she held firm to her decision and I allowed it (which is parent code for I didn't choose this battle).
Look how proud she is!
I love her. So much.
Yesterday on our last day of vacation Mia chose a Baby Elsa to spend her "spoiling" money on from Grandma and Papa...she's taking very good care of her (except she doesn't let her sleep in her crib!).
I know she's 1 and she should be wearing a shirt...we're working on it! She *did* put one on after these pics but they are too sweet not to share.
Lately I look at her and Ameliya Darby looks less like a baby and more like a....well, a big girl! Sniffle.
Our last day of vacation began a little jumbled. I had this AWESOME plan of getting up, doing the continental breakfast, letting the big kids swim while Mia napped and I packed, grabbing a nice lunch, and then heading to the Science Center. See how well laid out that all sounds???
Imagine my huge disappointment (and my children's) when the pool was closed for maintenance. I am still waiting for my upset to dwindle a bit more before calling the corporate hotel chain office to let them know that we chose their hotel specifically for the indoor pool. Maintenance (general cleaning/sweeping of the pool) could be done when they close it at 9 in the evening...it's not loud or bothersome to customers.
Anyhow Mike told me I had to get over it. I'm still trying.
So anyhow, the kids made an obstacle course with their couch bed and a chair while I packed up...
We headed to the Science Center and got there a bit after opening. When we arrived a bus pulled up with a field trip crew of young children (groan). LOL
(For the vacation planners among you: Parking = Free @ the Planetarium, Admittance = Free)
We started at the Planetarium but so did the field trippers so we quickly went across the skywalk and into the actual Science Museum.
The skywalk had holes to watch the traffic go by.
Using the radar guns to speed check travelers!
We enjoyed the Maker Station for quite awhile - Mike and Xavier built a motorcycle while Natalee and Ameliya worked on designing sails to race boats.
We were having a nice quiet time of it and then the field trippers descended upon us. Let me be clear, lest you think I'm callous...I don't mind children. At.all. I was a teacher. I've done the field trip thing. However...there were 30+ of these kids and not a high enough adult/child ratio. They tended to be rude, pushy, grabby, and a bit inconsiderate. I didn't come on vacation to reprimand other kids. Had I been running the field trip (because, of course I know the best way - wink), the children would have been divided into at least 4 groups, maybe 5, and circled the Science Center in individual groups. 30+ kids descending upon one room at a time is overwhelming - had they done things in smaller groups they could have enjoyed themselves more thoroughly, as could have the other guests around them.
That said, we did the gracious (and sane) thing, and slipped out of the Maker Room so they could have their turn. We were on the highest floor and decided to go to the lowest...far away. As it turned out there was an experiment show getting ready to begin so we got to watch it.
There were some areas that were over my kids' heads/age levels but others that we loved.
They really liked this electricity table that showed what happened when power was lost to the substation, transformer, or one in a line of houses.
The room with the tornado and earthquakes was pretty neat and all but Xavier liked the wild winds simulator:
Xabe tolerated it but didn't LOVE it like the girls. The winds got to almost 80 mph, which is still less than an F1 tornado.
After we exhausted ourselves at the Science Center we headed to somewhere not fast food for lunch...Bandera's BBQ. YUM!
We were grateful to have nice sit down meals both Sunday and Monday to break up the quick food stops we had otherwise.
Before we left my folks sent "spoiling" money with the kids to spend on whatever they wanted. After the first gift shop proved overwhelming I told the kids that they could spend their money at a gift shop OR at the end of the weekend I'd take them to a toy store and they could make their choices there. In the end, the toy store won for everyone and we had a fun time browsing, choosing, trading, and making final decisions.
I chose chalk blocks for Mia at first because she was too overwhelmed to choose anything and we all love building...but then when we walked down the dolly aisle she quickly made a choice of her own and was able to get the blocks and....
Baby Elsa!
While we have many dollies none are "Mia's," meaning having been hers from the beginning except her Kira. Kira gets carted around everywhere and came home with ketchup, applesauce, and other yuck on her from vacation but she's Mia's "lovey," not her toy (in her mind) so this Baby Elsa will be "her's" and she's so proud of her. (Not that I need to justify our purchases, but a little back log for you.) I did chuckle on the way home, though...Baby Elsa got talked to and played with all the way home until Mia got sleepy, then she got laid outside the car seat so that Kira and Mia could snuggle up to sleep. Sweet girl.
Xavier and Natalee both started with Legos, however both ended up swapping their choices out!
Xavier chose a motorcycle and lawn mower for his TMNT to drive! I don't know much about turtles but they seem awesome and he's happy!
Natalee ended up with Care Bears (they were on her birthday list!) and an Ariel princess for her castle.
They played all the way home, except when they were sleeping! I'd say wise choices were made.
We had to sit out some big bad weather on the way home, making us later than planned so we had to stop for supper - we grabbed burgers and shakes and made it home before 10. The big kids savored their last day of vacation by staying up until 11 to play with their new toys...Mia and I gave up on the couch long before then.
It was a great vacation. We made memories, spent time together, and wore ourselves completely out doing it!