Today I had a bit of a blucky tummy. I was on the couch more than off and felt nauseous most of the day. I managed okay, like mommies do, but so appreciated the extra time my big girl gave her baby sister to help me out...
Yes, they absolutely watched too much television - over an hour's worth. Shhh.
Thank you, Natalee, for being a wonderful big sister.
(And, friend Lori, I'm calling you back tomorrow when my head isn't exploding and I don't feel like hurling into the phone!)
As you can see, we take ALL aspects of child rearing seriously...
'Round here we teach 'em to dunk 'em and chomp 'em. :)
Despite how she looks, she really only had this one Oreo - whatever parts of it actually got to her mouth.
She was so proud to be like the big kids.
We don't have Oreos or cookies in our cupboard much so they are a pretty big deal. Xavier was given some by Grandma and Papa to take camping and we had some leftover so they've been enjoying one here and there. Mia had declined all offers previously (they are egg free!) but tonight she accepted. I imagine she won't decline from here on out.
A few weeks ago we were at my sister and brother-in-law's and they offered the kids a little turtle. Both said no and, not wanting to care for a turtle, I declined. A mile from their house Xavier changed his mind so we turned back to get the little turtle. He promptly named him Leo and, while he's too scared to pick him up, Xavier feeds him and chats with him daily.
The first night we made him a temporary shelter in a shallow box. We didn't have any turtle food but offered him grass and lettuce (he said no thanks).
The next night daddy built him a new habitat in a deeper tub so he could really swim.
Guess who is NOT afraid of Leo? Sassy pants Mia! Mostly because she wants to play in his domain I think but she reaches right in there and scoots him around at leisure. The other day I turned around and Leo was in an old 2 cup measuring cup I had on the porch. I don't know if she picked him up and put him in there or scooped him up in it but she was happily splashing in his habitat. I saved him!
Xavier is waiting for Leo to turn into a ninja turtle...if that doesn't happen by summer's end we'll be releasing him back to the pond. My niece offered us a companion turtle for Leo yesterday but I was afraid our box wasn't big enough for both so we decided against it. For now, Leo is happy on the porch!
We went camping at a nearby state park this weekend and had a great time. The big kids especially enjoyed themselves - Ameliya was a might fussy but she's been that way for a week now with her teeth. We were spoiled and my dad took his camper down for us so we had the privileges of air and water and real beds!
Friday night...we stayed up late and Ameliya indulged in a late night snack of goldfish crackers.
Saturday morning - we awoke and Ameliya again found the food. Her new "cheese" face is hilarious.
The girls got ready first!
The one in the middle is a monkey!
Sweet sweet sisters.
We paid for a guided hour long tour of the lake on a pontoon. The big kids enjoyed it - Ameliya was very mad about the life jacket (I wasn't a fan either).
After the boat ride we went to the beach!
After the beach we went back to the camper and had lunch. Thankful for the air conditioning we all took a little rest before we got up to enjoy bike rides, outside games, and being together.
(Ameliya's favorite indoor toy - the CD player she could reach!)
Even though we bought wood it was hard to find anything dry enough to make a fire. It took Mike a lot of trial and we were grateful for Papa Curtis's little grill so we could get supper going. We had potatoes and green beans on the grill with hot dogs and brats - perfect camp food!
My girls are growing up on me.
Daddy's diligence paid off and he got our fire going. Natalee decided she was old enough to roast her own marshmallow and did a great job.
I ran the big kids through the (very nice) shower house and put them to bed late (again) before sitting outside with my hubby and enjoying the fire.
We all slept until after 8 Sunday morning! Mia migrated to our bed after midnight and turned out to be quite a bedhog!
I had planned on waiting to bathe Ameliya until we got home but she smelled so like lake and sweat and crusty food that she had to be cleaned up a bit. Thankful for the camper sink!
We had a nice breakfast while the rain came down...
The big kids were going to go back to the beach but because of the rain we hung out a bit and relaxed. My girl and I sat with our feet up and chatted about life.
Soon the grandparents and aunts/uncles and cousins rolled in to celebrate Xavier's birthday with us.
Xavier was excited about his ninja turtle sewer lair! When we got home Mike spent 3+ hours helping him assemble it! It *is* cool!
Who doesn't need a lifelike sewer to complete their home decor? He he. Natalee is relieved that there will be no more turtles in her princess castle!
We're told this soccer ball glows. We're still recovering from camping with early bed times so we'll have to find "dark" over the 4th of July holiday!
He's also spent a lot of time with this "Leo" weapon. I fear for my TV.
And he's had to put out a couple of fires today...the new fire bag holds ALL his gear including his helmet and he slings it over his arm proudly.
After the "party" the big kids went back to the lake with cousins Colby and Emma while the rest of us cleaned up and Mom and Dad closed up the camper. It was a fun, tiring, and fulfilling weekend spent with family! We're grateful to my folks for loaning the camper and to both sets of our parents and our siblings for coming down to celebrate with us. I text one of my sisters wanting a pop up canopy and the other needing her to bring a fingernail clipper and an ice cream scoop to the party and both complied without question. That's love!
We missed Kea, Miguel and week old Adelyn but totally understand why they didn't make the trip just yet!
So...who now can tell me how long it takes a 5 1/2 month pregnant mama of three to recover from camping...? Yawn!