I haven't blogged for a week.
In a week's time we have:
Gone out to Great Grandpa Bryce's to check out his hay bale fire...
Tried to get Xavier to eat and keep up with the sumo eater, Mia...
she also started standing more all alone
(Natalee always eats and never complains!)
Tried to keep up with the growing and apparently taller (and hungry!) Ameliya...
But isn't she precious?
We did a little science experimenting...
Daddy got in some babywearing...
look at her look at her daddy ^
We ended Friday with a front yard weenie roast that Mike planned, shopped for and carried out all on his own, which was really perfect...
On Saturday we celebrated Aunt Kea's 30th birthday and Mia got some Great-Grandma Betty snuggles...
At some point in the weekend we taught Mia to tackle her brother...
And then the kids played "church" and Xavier baptized Natalee...
As you can see, it was a very well rounded week. From over-indulging in yogurt to floor baptisms and school projects we got a LOT of living in!