Sunday, November 30, 2014

Never Too Young

You are never too young to learn about the Christ child's birth...
We got this out the other day and she LOVES it.  Mom and Dad got this nativity for Natalee when she was a tot but it's still like new - holding up beautifully.  It's so fun to watch her little mind work!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

This Kid {8 Months Old Today}

This kid we have named Ameliya just keeps us chuckling and on our toes.  She's so dear.

Lately she loudly announces when she's noticed that a mealtime is coming close.  Even if I've just nursed her she wants to be at the table with some FOOD.  In my head I imagine her as a tiny tyrant pounding her fork and spoon, demanding to be fed.  She doesn't, but the imagery cracks me up.

This morning for breakfast I made the big kids spirulina blueberry smoothies.  As I was blending I realized Mia had everything I'd thrown in the smoothie except the spirulina so I decided to let her have some, too.

Let me tell you - baby LOVES smoothie.
I won't tell you how much she drank.  Ha. 

Mike is certain he heard he say "daddy" today.  We are anxiously waiting for her to speak...she often looks at us like she can say words and perhaps practices them when we aren't around, but as of yet she's not sharing.  I don't doubt that she said daddy to him, but he said it was so fast it's hard to be certain.

Tonight I gave her an apple wedge to relieve her teeth pain on while I got supper on the table.  Imagine my surprise when I looked over and she was eating it, peel and all.  Apparently her teeth have gotten sharp enough to just bite right through the wedge!?  8 months old today and she thinks she's all kinds of big stuff!
(fuzzy pics - too much zoom on the phone camera!)

Ameliya, at 8 months you are saucy, hilarious, and sweet.  You dance - sometimes to music and sometimes to the music in your head.  You love brother and sister.  You can pull up to stand if we are laying on the floor.  You love FOOD.  You still nurse every 3-4 hours but are quick about it because there is too much of life to see.  You crawl like an inchworm but are fast when you want to be.  You weigh 21.6 pounds and your thighs and calves are out of this world.  Your wardrobe consists of leggings, not pants, because pants don't pull up over your thighs.  You battled chicken pox like a beast and I'm proud of you.  We love everything about you, big girl.


We had a "depoxifying" Saturday at our house.  We stayed home, found ways to stay busy, got outside and blew off the germs, and turned the corner from "sick" to "healing."

I laid out an art activity, which the children enjoyed very much.  It was simple and took no planning on my part, save for keeping the toilet paper roll when it was spent.
 We did this part before naps.
 After naps I laid out colored paints for them to fill their circles in with. 
I never know what to do with art projects after they are done (any suggestions?), but I suppose it's the experience that's more important than anything.

We got out the nativity sets and the children spent a lot of time playing what they call away in a manger.  Even Ameliya got in on the action.

The kids watched their fair share of television, but we did get outside to blow off the germs and stink and breathe in the 60+ degree beautiful air.

After the walk the kids really felt reinvigorated and had energy to play, which was nice to see.  I spent a good portion of the day washing blankets, pillow cases, sheets, etc., and clothes as we have been changing the kids often to help them feel fresh and less itchy.  The light is at the end of our poxy tunnel and I can almost see it.

Friday, November 28, 2014

POXED! {and Thanksgiving 2014}

Tuesday night after the kids had their showers we spotted their first poxy spots, exactly 14 days after Ameliya broke out.
We put them in loose cotton clothes and bedded them down on the couch.  Excitement was in the air.
They both had low grade fevers but were overall in good spirits.  Xavier was ecstatic to finally have spots and they got the privilege of a show after showers because he's been waiting 2 weeks for movies and pox!

The next day was pretty mild.  They started itching but Grandma Num and Papa brought care packages that put their minds off itching and made the pox fun again.  They watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, did stickers, colored, and went crazy over their "magic" coloring marker books.  
 The spots were spreading but I thought we were looking at mid to mild cases of the pox.
At this point Xavier still only had like 6-7 light spots and both were feeling fine and dandy.

The next day was Thanksgiving.  We touched base with Nannie, because Emma hasn't had the pox yet, and she gave us the green light to come.  Emma is so looking forward to her turn with the pox in a couple of weeks (sarcasm - so sorry sweetie!).  
The children took it easy but had a good time and I was grateful to celebrate with all of my family.
This little turkey had a big day - and looked the part!

We looked through the sale ads with no intentions of going shopping.


We put up Grandma Num's tree, which Xavier especially loved...

It wasn't until the day wore down that Xavier remembered he had the pox and started feeling poorly.  I made the kids milk shakes, because that's what mommies do when you have the chicken pox, and we wound the evening down and headed home.
 Mia had a wittle bit of shake, too.

Today was the roughest day.  Xavier exploded in spots and is very uncomfortable.  They watched the other movie Grandma Num brought, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, which helped pass the time.  They took two naps, put up our Christmas tree, and visited at Grandma Betty's for an hour or so.  
 His ^ "sad chicken pox face". ^
They both have pox on their heads, in their undie areas, on their faces...basically everywhere, except their legs, which are pretty clear.  Granny picked them up the new Planes Fire and Rescue so they can continue to turn into veg heads tomorrow.  
I am hopeful that today is the worst day and tomorrow turns the corner to healing.  I keep reminding them that they won't last forever and soon it will all be a memory!