Halloween is totally Mike's thing. I don't have anything against the fun light-hearted side of it but it's just not my thing. We don't "believe" in it, if there's anything to believe in - we simply treat it as a day to dress up in a fun costume and be imaginative. We don't do ghosts, goblins, witches, etc., but fun - well we do that!
This year Natalee wanted to pretend to be April O'Neill from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Xavier, of course, wanted to be a turtle (Michelangelo). I was supposed to turn Mia into a pizza, because we all know that the turtles love their pizza but I failed. She got to be a ladybug, because, well, we had the costume. Truly, she could have not been anything because babies don't go out trick or treating but then I wouldn't have had cute pictures like these...
Um, seriously - is she the sweetest?
My big kids had a good time going door to door, even if they had to go with ole mom instead of fun dad.
She says this is how April stands.