Dear Ameliya,
Today you are 6 months old! The first half of your year has gone so quickly. You are overall quite a cheery baby. You smile at people when they say hello to you, you coo and bat your eyes, you love easily and receive love willingly.
You think Xavier is the funniest of us all - if you need entertainment he's your go-to guy.
When you need companionship, you look for Natalee. She will sit with you and read, talk to you, and tell you about the world.
You, my darling are a ham. You are easy to coax a smile out of, if I even have to coax.
Your hair is coming along. Having the back of your head scratched is one of your favorite things.
You still nurse every 2 1/2-4 hours during the day and once or twice in the night. It has become our custom to let you sit at the table with us at supper and sometimes you gobble purees/mashes like a starving baby. You understand chewing and we've just let you start playing with Happy Baby puffs. You have a fantastic grasp and can pick them up solo and put them in your mouth. In some ways you seem much older than 6 months.
This morning you woke up and had a short, but bright and shiny little tooth poking through! You've worked so hard on this and it broke through without much fanfare on your part - no fever, no bad diapers, not much increased grumpiness. You are a trooper!
You completely understand and appreciate toys like no baby I've ever met. You explore them, chew on them, pound them, turn them, inspect them, and enjoy them. I always thought baby toys and rattles were kind of silly but you've proven me wrong.
You take 3 naps a day and weigh 20 solid pounds (20 even on the scale tonight!).
You can pull up on your hands and knees - soon you will take off.
You sit like a champion!
You give your hop-n-pop jumper a work out when you are in it!
You love to be read to. You love to chew. You love to act silly.
When you are tired, if your bed isn't available, you get a bit feisty...head butting, biting, bullying. We're working on that.
We're also working on glasses, hair, and trash cans being no-no's. We'll get there.
We are still using cloth diapers and loving it (except for finishing up the leftover disposables from traveling to ND) and you are on the second rise with 3 tummy snaps exposed.
Oh Mia. Dare I say that you are an easy baby? Everyone who meets you exclaims that you exude joy and they are right. You sparkle and even when you deserve to be cranky you try hard not to be.
We love you so much, sweet darling girl. The last 6 months (+ 9 months of pregnancy) have been our pure pleasure!
Much love,
Mommy and Daddy