Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grandma Betty's Christmas

We had Grandma Betty's Christmas at Penny's house.
Rylan Lee was visiting.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas at Papa and Grandma Num's

More stockings!?  Yes!!
We are so blessed to be so love by so many people and to have so many to love.
playing in her new tent with Emma...
custom clothes from Nannie...
What a great day full of food and family and love and fun!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at home!

Stockings are the funnest part of the morning, I think!
We caved and bought electronics...sigh.
Merry Christmas, Belle.
A boy dolly for our sweet boy.
Character shirts!
Snuggling in mom's new blanket.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas at Grandpa Bryce and Grandma Ann's

Some of my favorite people all in one room.
Natalee and Rylan...

Christmas at Sara and Phil's

Family and love - the best way to spread Christmas.
Super Why!
New jackets!
Noisiest noisy-makers.
Merry Christmas!